Chapter Five-Capture

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Chapter 5-Capture

            When I came too, I was lying on cold hard concrete flooring and for a second I thought I was back in my cell and I fell on the floor again. Then my memory caught up with me. I was captured again.

            I looked around at my surroundings and found that I was in the middle of a cage. Only big enough to crouch in and lay curled in a ball on the ground, big enough to be slightly comfortable. The cage and I seemed to be in a small square room with shelves lining the walls and a small stair case leading up to a door. I looked around the room again and noticed a bed. One very similar to the one I had in my cell that my dad let me have.

I don’t like this place, whispered Audreanna. I silently agreed with her.

I shuffled over to the edge of the cage and gripped the bars. I instantly repelled away from it. My hand was covered in burns from where I touched the bars.

Silver, I thought.

Yes, that is the only thing that can harm werewolves, Audreanna informed me. It’s our only weakness.

What do you mean? Werewolves have other weaknesses don’t they?

Yes, but we are different. We are a Blood Wolf. Only silver can harm us.

What is a Blood Wolf? It amazed me that I didn’t even know half of what I was.

Before Audreanna could answer me, the door at the top the stair case opened after a loud click of the lock. The man who captured me slowly walked the stairs, making sure to let his feet fall heavily with each step he takes all the while never taking his eyes off my still naked flesh. I reluctantly shivered in fear under his cold and lustful gaze and looked down at my dirt covered naked flesh.

“My dear, you’re finally awake,” he said to me as he stepped closer to my cage.

I looked up and found him right next to me and his eyes were pinned to my exposed chest. I couldn’t take his lustful looks, so I shifted into my wolf to hide myself from him. Audreanna allowed me to stay in control, so I looked at him and regretted it. His eyes were filled with anger and loathing. All emotions directed at me. The stranger had his lips pressed together firmly, his nose scrunched up and his eyebrows arching up. Despite my massive size and werewolf strength, I shrank under his cold glare.

“What kind of wolf is that? Shift back, now!” he demanded. In response, I beared my teeth and growled at him in warning. I still sat in my crotched down position, ready to run at a moment’s notice. “I said shift!”

I held firm and refused to budge. I probably should’ve just shifted back if I knew what he was going to do.

The stranger growled and ripped open the cage door. He pulled his arm back, like he was going to hit me. He did, but instead of using his hand, he hit me with something in his hand that I didn’t notice him holding before. At a quick glance, I saw that it was very similar to the whips that my father used on me. Instead of the long metal spikes, this one had multiple short leather stripes with sharp points at the end.

The beating brought up all old and fresh memories of my life in my cell and I crumbled under the pressure they put on me. I screamed and begged for him to stop, for my father and new captor to stop. They both said the same thing: “Make me stop it.” So I made him stop, I shifted back.

“That’s my good girl,” he panted. “Now come here.” To avoid another unfortunate encounter with the whip, I crawled over towards the cage door and he pulled me out all the way. I didn’t struggle as much as I would have liked, my energy was draining fast.

The stranger pulled me around the room and came to rest in front of the bed that I had spotted before. “No, please,” I whispered to him, “please don’t hurt me anymore.”

I begged and begged, but he didn’t say anything in response to my pleading. Instead he just pushed me down into the creaky and broken down bed and climbed on top of me.

I pushed and kicked, bit and screamed, but to no avail. Finally he managed to hold both of my hands above my head with one hand; his legs held mine down with legs wide open to the whole world. I couldn’t defend myself any longer. My eyes rolled into the back of my mind as I watched the stranger pull the zipper of his pants down, take out his huge and pulsing member and plunge into me, taking away the only thing that was still innocent about me.

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