Chapter Seven-Mate

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Chapter Seven-Mate

            I stayed as quiet as I could, hoping to be able to listen in on their conversation. But their voices were too low and far from the door that I couldn’t even hear a word. I pulled Hope closer to my chest and instead focused on their footsteps, following where they stepped. At the moment, I could tell that they are sitting in the lounge room because of the noise from the TV. It actually sounded more like one of them was sitting, while the other was pacing the floor. Rather loudly too. In my arms, Hope rustled and slowly woke up.

            “Mummy OK?” she mumbled, rubbing her still tired eyes.

            “Yes, I’m OK. Dom’s nephew is here, we have to stay quiet now, OK?” I thought over my original plan and decided I couldn’t risk the chance of Dom hurting Hope, even if he never has before, or the risk of Dom’s nephew being willing to help. I decided it would be better to stay silent and escape when Hope gets a little bigger or maybe even when she shifts. She’ll have a lot of power coursing through her when she does.

            “OK mummy, I stay quiet.”

Hope settled back down in my arms and fell back asleep. I settled back down as well, but I couldn’t get to sleep. Something drifted in under the door of the basement. A smell; a rich aroma of chocolate and honey entered my noise and my senses heightened until I could hear what Dom and his nephew were saying.

“…that smell?” an unfamiliar voice asked that sent shivers down my spine.

“What smell? Are you saying my house smells, boy?” That voice defiantly belongs to Dominick.

“No, well, yes, but not a bad smell. I don’t know where it’s coming from, but something smells nice.” There’s that voice again. I laid my head on the floor of the cell and continued to listen.

“That’s OK. I was starting to think that you had lost your manners while you were away.”

“Of course not, uncle. I’m just as polite as ever.”

He sounds a little full of himself, I thought to myself, but of course, Audreanna could still hear me. She chuckled in response. You wouldn’t think a wolf could chuckle, but in their minds they can.

“That’s good, John. Now, I’m going to get a drink, wait here.” He sounded polite, but I would bet anything that his eyes demanded that ‘John’ stay where he is.

Footsteps sounded as Dom walked out of the lounge room and walked past the basement door to get to the kitchen. “Quiet,” he whispered down to me. I don’t think John could’ve heard that, I barley did and I’m closer to him at the moment. I didn’t respond to him, because that’s what quiet meant, instead I returned my attention to his nephew’s steps, who had started to move around.

* * * * * *

            (John’s POV)

            “Of course not, uncle. I’m just as polite as ever,” I said sarcastically.

I wasn’t as mean and cruel as I used to be, but that was because I have Dominick as my uncle. He’s the cruel one and me being a little boy looking up to his uncle, I thought everything he did was amazing. I copied him and learned from him and in turn, he turned me into a smaller version of himself. That’s why, when I decided I wanted to be a pack doctor instead of a Beta, I moved as far away as possible to become one.

“That’s good, John. Now, I’m going to get a drink, wait here.” I hate how demanding my uncle has become. Ever since I left, my father says that Dominick has become bossy and demanding because his little ‘pet’ left him. And that’s true; I did leave because of him.

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