Chapter Six-Hope

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Author's Note

My internet now works again, so here is a new chapter :)

Hope you all like it and please don't forget to vote and comment

Chapter Six-Hope

            Three years, six months and two days later

            My life hasn’t much improved over the last three years. One thing has at least, but I think I’ll get to that later. During the time of my life in my new cell I have learnt a couple of things about the stranger who raped me three years ago and every night since; except for a period of nine months after I had been here for seven or eight months. My captors name is Dominick and he is brother to the beta of my pack, or ex pack. I don’t know, I’ve never established whether I was still part of the Mountain Valley pack or not. Anyway, seven or eight months after that first night of torture, I found out that I was pregnant. Of course it was Dom’s and even though he was a sick and twisted bastard, he never touched me inappropriately when he found out. At least he had some standards.

            How I wish I was still pregnant though. Because as soon as my little baby was out, he went right back to being the little rapist that he is. I have had to live with this for just over three years, I wouldn’t say I was used to it, but I was able to bare the sight of Dom without breaking down into fits of terror. Dominick has never helped me with our child, nor do I expect him too. The only thing he did to help at all was to bring me extra food during the pregnancy and baby clothes and food as my child got older and bigger.

            After nine months of a different type of torture, my little girl was finally out and she was gorgeous. Her hair was red like mine, but was a little dark as she was still a part of Dom, who had dark brown hair. She didn’t have green eyes like me, but had blue eyes like her father. She was my little angel, the only good thing that had ever happened to me. She was my hope, so I had named her Hope. She had helped me live through these tough years.

            At the moment, I was curled up on the floor of my cell with Hope sitting in front of me, playing. All it was was an old sock that Dom let me have on a really cold night, stuffed with my own hair and buttons sown onto it as eyes from an old jacket that I use as a blanket. I had started to make it as soon as I knew I was pregnant. It wasn’t much of a toy you might get for a normal baby, but it kept her happy and quiet. I was still naked as Dom was still refusing to cover my ‘super-hot and sexy body’, as he calls it. I didn’t care so much, as I was used to it and I was just happy that Dom at least bought something to keep Hope warm. She was wearing little baby grey and black tracksuit pants and a pink singlet with a love heart on it that matched the colour of her eyes. Hope has worn her outfit for the past two months. Dominick only buys her more cloths when she grows out of her current cloths. It makes sense; he doesn’t want anyone asking why he’s buying baby cloths all the time. It’s what I would do if I was secretly keeping a seventeen year old and her child in my basement.

            “How are you feeling today Hope?” I asked my little girl. Hope had been sick the past couple of days with are really bad cough. I was afraid that something was seriously wrong with her, because there was no way Dom would take her to a doctor and there was no way I’d leave him alone with her for even less than a second. Dominick assured me that it was just a cold, all children get them. I know I did, but it my motherly instincts that make me fearful.

            “I OK mummy,” she whispered. Her eyes were still glued to the old and now one eyed sock toy. The thing that I loved about Hope is that she picked up on a lot of things quickly, like talking and behaver. She still didn’t speak perfectly like I did, but she managed to speak clearly and you could understand what she was saying. Hope has also managed to learn about body language and she knew that when Dom came down stairs to pay me a ‘visit’, she had to stay quiet or I would get hurt even more then usually and she buried herself under the old jacket and blankets so she couldn’t see. After Dom would lock me back up with Hope, she would crawl over to me and lay in my arms as we both silently cried. Hope is a very smart girl.

            “That’s good. I don’t like it when you’re sick.” She has been getting better though.

            “I not like when mummy hurts,” and she look at me with such sadness that should never exist on a child’s face.

            “I know you don’t sweetheart,” I whispered to her as I brought her in close to my bruised chest, “but as long as he doesn’t hurt you, it doesn’t matter what he does to me.”

            Just then the door opened to revel Dominick himself. His chest bare, his blue eyes instantly locked on my body and his dark hair seeming even darker in the dimmed light. “Hello my dear,” he pants over at me. Hope slowly separates herself from me, hides behind me instead and under the blanket.

            Good girl, Audreanna whispers to me. I mental nod in agreement.

            “Hello Dominick. What fun have you got planned for me today?” I have become a lot wittier during my time here and it has gotten me plenty of scars as punishment.

            “You’re lucky I’m in a good mood, or you’d be bleeding all over the floor.” I think he may have run out of threats if he’s using the same ones he used last week. “My nephew is coming round tomorrow for a visit. I haven’t seen him in two years, seeing as how he’s studying to be a doctor in another territory.” While he was talking, he shifted he gaze from me to the rest of the room, but it snapped back towards me. “I’m telling you to keep you and your brat quiet when he gets here. I don’t want to answer any questions he’d have for me if he found out I was keeping my girlfriend in my basement.”

            “Of course, my sweetness. You won’t hear a word out of us tomorrow.” Maybe if I can get Hope to cry loud enough for Dom’s nephew to hear, we might be able to get out of here. But if he is as sadistic as his uncle, I won’t really get blamed for Hope crying. Sure I’ll be punished, but Hope won’t be, so that’s OK.

            Be careful Amber. I want to get out of here just as much as you do. I want to protect Hope as well, but that might be a bad plan, Audreanna as always was whispering helpful advice to me ‘ear’. Maybe this time Dom will hurt Hope.

            “Good girl.” Without another word, Dominick turned on his heels and walked out of the basement.

* * * * * *


            I had finally fallen asleep late last night, or should I say early morning, because Hope wanted to play and refused to go to sleep. It seemed, though, that as soon as I had fallen asleep, I was jolted awake.

            I looked around, but nothing was in the room and Hope was sound asleep in my arms with her sock toy wrapped in her arms. There was noises coming from upstairs and I realized something. The noises were voices and there were two of them.

            Dom’s nephew had arrived.

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