Chapter Fifteen-Memoirs

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Chapter Fifteen-Memoirs

            (Johnathan's pov)

            'Memories,' she whispered through my mind.

            I hated to see how horrified she looked. Even in her wolf form, I can still see the tears fall down her face, the sadness in her eyes that blocks her light from ever showing. My Amber deserves some much better then what she's gone through.

            I heard footsteps from behind. I look back to see my dad take Hope up the stairs. Amber must've heard them leave too, because she shifted back into her human form. I love her wolf, but I love this form better.

            Amber didn't say a word until she walked in and stood in the centre of the room, staring at a wall stained with blood. I didn't have to ask, but I knew it was her blood.

            "I hate this place!" she cried and then fell to the ground onto her knees. I quickly ran over to her, wrapped my arms around her and placed one hand on her back and the other on her head, pushing it into the croak of my neck. I listened and tried my best to comfort her as she sobbed and soaked my shirt. At least it wasn't my favourite shirt.

            "It'll be OK, I'm here for you," I whispered to her. "I'll always be here for you."

            "I remember the first time my father hit me," she said between tears. "It was exactly a year after he kidnapped me. I thought he had a change of heart and was going to set me free." She let out a small chuckle. "Instead he shattered my nose. From one punch, he left me with two black eyes and even a couple of my teeth fell out. If I was a human, my nose would've been broken and deformed forever."

            I pulled away from her and looked deep into her eyes. I rested my hands on her cheeks and gently said, "You don't have to tell me what he did to you. I can imagine it was hell for you."

            This time, she was the one that pulled away.

            "Then you can't understand," she said. "It was worse then hell for me. Imagine what hell would be like for you, than multiply it by a hundred. He didn't just torture me; he cut me up into little pieces. After he hit me the first time, it was like a door had been opened from inside his brain. Every week he would come into this cell with a new idea of how to break me."

            She stood up, pulling me with her and dragged me over to the wall hiding behind the door. I looked and stared at all the weapons; some weren't even proper weapons at all. There were knives, whips, chains, cuffs, guns, nails, hammers, chainsaws and other things that I've never even heard of and there were all covered in pure silver and blood. I stared in horror.

            "My father used every single one on me. His favourite was this whip." She pulled a whip off the wall. It was different from the other ones. This one, instead of being made out of leather, this one was made out of thin chains, with nine massive thick silver knives at the end of the tails. "He would chain me to the wall covered in blood and whip me with it on Saturdays. Sometimes he would be too busy to make it on Saturdays, so he would whip on Sundays instead."

            "How could you survive that?" I asked, imagining all those days she screamed and cried for her father to stop.

            "I didn't know then, but I'm guessing it was because I am the Blood Wolf. Though I'm still not sure what that means." She sighed. I don't think I've ever heard of a Blood Wolf. "Every year on my birthday, he would punch me exactly the same as he did when I was five years old. It's a wonder my nose ever healed." She laughed.

            "It must be because you're the Blood Wolf," I joked.

            "Hmm, maybe," she sighed. "Let's go get some sleep."

            I nodded in agreement. I pulled off my jacket and led her up to the same room my dad and Hope were already asleep in. I pulled two mattresses together, wrapped Amber in my arms and threw a blanket to cover Amber a bit better. We both fell asleep, but I knew that both your dreams were haunted by the reason for the many scars on Amber's body.


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