Chapter Two-Time

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Chapter Two-Time


        When I awake, I find that I am still chained to the bloody wall, but I keep my eyes close. I know I’m still chained because I can feel the metal burning into my wrists and the blood still pouring down my back, although it’s slowed to a dribble. I don’t try to move and I try to slow my breathing down to an even pace, so it seems I’m still asleep, for I know that my father is still in the room. I don’t know why, but my father likes to sit in here after I’ve passed out and just stares at me.

            “I know you’re awake Amber,” I opened my still tired eyes and watched as he rose from his sitting spot on the floor and walked over towards me. “I don’t know why you pretend to be asleep. I’ll just stay until you wake up, just like every other time.”

I sighed and winced with the small movement of breathing caused pain to flare from my back. “Why must you do this to me, daddy?” I cried. I haven’t called him daddy since I was six years old. I would’ve stopped at five years, but I found that calling him daddy lessened the pain I received from him.

        I watched my father from the corners of my barely open eyes. I watched and wondered as his face visibly softened in my direction when I called him ‘daddy’. My father has never shown any emotion other than anger, hate, fury and sometimes even annoyance. So why would he show sadness towards me? Just I thought this; the emotion was wiped from his face. Instead, his eyes filled to the brim with fury and as he drew his arm back, I internally winced, ready for the pain about to be delivered.

        I closed my eyes and waited for my father’ fist to connect with my gut, but when I reopened me eyes, my father was nowhere to be seen. I tried moving as less as possible while I looked around, just to make sure that my father wasn’t hiding in a corner, ready to attack me, but he wasn’t, he left the room and left me chained to the wall. I tried wriggling my wrists, to see if they would slip free, but to no avail.

        I soon gave up and hung limply against the wall. I wondered why I have to live through this, why can’t someone else take the punches and kicks? My birthday will save. My wolf will come and I can finally break out. Two weeks and then I can leave. If I survive that long that is.

* * * * * *

            One more week until my birthday. One more week until I escape. One more week until I’m free. My father somehow managed to make my ‘punishments’ worse, if that was even remotely possible. Instead of the monthly punishments with the silver whip, he made a new one with silver spikes of the end and now he happily whips me every four days. Why must this be my life? Can’t someone else be tortured for fun instead of me for once?

            For now, I lay crumbled on the piece of wire I call my bed, desperately trying to contain what little warmth my body has at the moment. Even though I know exactly what I’m here in this cell for, I couldn’t understand how I had managed to get into this situation, this life, this cell, this position; I hate how my life has become over the years.

            I shiver and shiver as the coldness of the cell and the hatred of my father finally seeps into my frozen bones. My teeth chattered and I bit my lip in the process. I tasted blood in my mouth, but I was too frozen and cold to spit it out, so I swallowed it and waited. Waited for either death, even if I still had hope of escape, or for my father to return and kill me. Either way, I will die, that’s all I can hope for now. I don’t think I can wait until my birthday next week, I don’t think I can even wait until tomorrow. These punishments are just too severe to survive through. Maybe I don’t want to survive through them anyway, but then I think of my mother.

            She had sacrificed her life, so that I could happily live with my grieving father. It didn’t turn out exactly how she might’ve imagined it, but I will live and see to it that at least half of her dream will come true. For that to happen, I need to last until my birthday, until I finally shift into my wolf and break free.

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