Chapter Eighteen-Reunion

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Chapter Eighteen-Reunion

            (Amber's pov)

            As soon as I was out of werewolf hearing range I collapsed onto the forest floor and let the tears run wild. I tried to stop them, I was so sick of crying, but I couldn't stop them from drenching my cloths and the dirt. How much more could I handle before I broke completely?

            It seemed like hours before the waterfalls finally stopped and by then I could feel my shirt completely soaked. Then I just sat on the ground a listened to the wonders of the environment.

            It is so peaceful out here, sighed Audreanna.

            I silently agreed with her. I closed my eyes and opened my ears to listen to all the different sounds around me; the chirps of birds, the wind blowing through the trees and the scurry of the floor animal's feet.

            "It'd be so easy to live out here, forever," I whispered. I really didn't expect anyone to hear me, so I jumped almost ten meters into the air when someone did.

            "I know what you mean." I opened my eyes to see a rather short boy standing in front of me. He looked to be about John's age, so a couple years older than me, with golden blonde hair and bright green eyes. I decided he looked quite cute for a boy. "I'd live out here if I could. Must be a werewolf trait or something." He looks up and around him like I did before.

            "Who are you?" I ask, cautiously.

            "Oh, right. You don't know who I am anymore, do ya?" he chuckled. "My name's Nick, Johnathan's my best mate. Back when we were younger, we used to be best friends as well."

            "I'm sorry; I don't remember a whole lot before I was kidnapped by my father."

            "I figured that," he smiled. "I'm so sorry for what your father did to you."

            "Why are you sorry? It wasn't your fault." I tilted my head to the side and studied him, trying hard to remember what my mind has block from me.

            "I know that, but it's just something people say to someone if they've gone through a hard time or lost someone."

            I scrunch my face up in distaste. "Well, that's just stupid."

            Nick titled his head back and laughed, "I suppose it is."

            I smiled at him. "So why are you here? I'm sure it's not just because you wish you could live out here."

            As soon as the words left my month, his smile vanished and he whispered, "I came to tell you and John that your father and Dominick are going to war to get you back."

            "They won't get her," growled John, who had somehow managed to snick up behind me. "They've hurt her enough, they won't ever hurt her again." My heart swelled with his words.

            "And that's why I'm here." I turned back to face Nick. "More than half the pack are on your side. The only ones that are with Cole and Dominick are the power seekers and that's only like twenty pack members."

            "They'll most likely get the rest of their army from others packs or rogues," I mumbled.

            "It won't matter where their army comes from, we will win and you will be safe," announced John and Nick nodded in agreement.

            "You seem to be forgetting that I am stronger than any wolf in the world." I smirked at the thought of ripping my father's and my daughter's father's heads off. I imagined the sound their bones would make when they break and the stench of their blood staining the ground. "I am the Blood Wolf. No one will harm me ever again."

            "And I hope to be right next to you when you do that." Nick walked up to me and laid him hand on my shoulder. "I missed being your best friend."

            "And you know that I will be next to you." My mate walked up to me as well and laid his hand on my cheek. I could see the love and devotion in his eyes. "As your mate."

            My life just went from living in pure hell to living in the comfort loved one's arms.

Now I may lose them.

* * * *

            (Dominick's pov)

            Everything is going according to plan. Cole still thinks that I'm helping him kill my mate and daughter, but instead I'm going to rescue them then kill Cole and take the Alpha's position. My goddess deserves an Alpha for a mate. And I am going to use something that they trust, someone that they care about. They'll never see it coming.


How awesome? Two chapters in one day

Since Exams are now over, more chapters should be coming in now, now that I have more time on my hands :)

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