Chapter Eight-Truth

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Chapter Eight-Truth

            (Amber’s pov)

            I lay, wrapped in John’s shirt, curled up in the back of his car with Hope resting in my arms while I silently watched the man, my mate, which saved me. I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around the fact that I will no longer be abused or raped, unless I somehow get kidnapped again. My daughter and I will be safe with my mate. Even though I don’t know my mate, my animal instincts say that he’ll never hurt me or Hope.

            Glancing out the window, I watched houses, trees and roads speed past but I followed everything with my eyes, taking in every little detail. Every. Single. One. I started to notice that I’ve seen these landmarks before. I used to walk by this place all the time with my parents, before my mother died that is.

            “Where are we going?” I asked John. I already knew where we were going, but I wanted him to conform it. I dreaded his answer.

            “To the pack house, where I live.”

            “No! We can’t go there, I can’t go there!” my loud outburst woke Hope up and normally she would stay silent, but she picked up on my panic and started to scream and cry in time with my panicky breathes.

            John cast a quick look behind him and pulled over to park the car. My heart beat slowly returned to normal and so did Hope’s wails.

            “Why don’t you want to go to the pack house? You’ll be safe there and I know the Alpha will help you,” he smiled at me, but, oh, if only he knew.

            “I can’t tell you, but please don’t take us there.”

            “Why can’t you tell me?”

            “Mummy don’t trust you, yet,” whispered Hope. I looked down at my daughter and silently thanked her. She knew almost everything I was thinking, everything that bothered me and she knew what to do to help me.

            “Why can’t you trust me? I’m your mate.” Now he was just starting to sound desperate.

            “I have been hurt by those that are supposed to protect me,” I said reluctantly, “and the fact that I’ve been raped for the past two years.”

            “You know that I will never hurt you, right?”

            “I do, and so does my wolf, but you can see how hard it is for me to trust.”

            “I understand that, but I don’t see what’s so bad about going to the pack house. It’s where I live, it’s where my father lives, it’s where the Alpha lives and everyone else.”

            “That’s why I don’t want to go there,” I mumbled. I can’t tell him, I can’t tell him, I can’t tell him, I chanted in my head.

            He’s right though. He can protect us from father. Even then, I can protect us well enough, murmured Audreanna.

            I know, but I can’t help the fear he holds over me.

            “Because there’s all those people there? They are just as nice as I am and the Alpha and I will stop anyone who tries to hurt you.” He focused on my face, probably watching for an expression. But what he doesn’t know is that I’ve learnt to mask my feelings over the years.

I could feel Audreanna pushing herself to the surface and I tried to push her back down. “I don’t want to go because the Alpha is Amber’s father,” she growled out at Johnathan. I pushed her down and growled at her for intervening.

Why did you do that? I asked.

Because he needed to know, now he has no reason to go to the pack house, she replied calmly, as if everything was normal.

No, now he will try to kill our father.

            Will that be such a bad thing?

            It will be if out father kills our mate!

            Our mate is strong, he will win against that monster, she howled at the thought.

            I looked down at Hope and wondered what to do. I couldn’t face my father, not after what he did to me and the shame I feel for being raped and the fact that I got pregnant when I was fourteen. It wasn’t my fault, but my father will find some way to blame me, lock me up and throw away the key. Hope’s deep blue eyes pierced at me. If I gave her to John, she would be safe forever and my father wouldn’t be able to hurt her. Not like he hurt me. I will never allow him to do that to her. If I give her to John, I can go to my father and he can take out all his anger on me and he never needs to know about Hope. That sounds like a plan.

            “You’re his daughter? You can’t be. That Amber died thirteen years ago.” Too late to turn back now.

            “My mother died on my birthday thirteen years ago; afterwards my father blamed me for her death. He faked my death and locked me away for most of my life. He hurt me. I ran away and Dom caught me. You know the rest,” I told him. He doesn’t need to know how much my father hurt me. “Please to not make me go back to him, he can never find out about Hope.” I can only dread what would happen if my daughter was in my father’s hands. The combination of a Blood Wolf Alpha and a Beta, or a Beta’s brother; imagine the power she will have. And the fact the she’s really smart for a two year old.

            “What’s your father’s name?” he asked. I guess he still doesn’t believe me.

            “My father’s name is Cole; he’s the Alpha of the Mountain Valley Pack. My mother’s name is Sarah, she was a rouge when my father found her and just to prove I am who I say I am, I’ll tell you something only my father, mother and I know. My mother used to be a Beat’s daughter before she became rouge; she was kicked out of the pack because she felt pity for the humans her pack kept as slaves. I don’t blame her; no one deserves to be a slave.”

            I looked up at John. To saw he looked shocked would be an understatement.

            “You really are Cole’s daughter?”

            “Yes, I am. But I wish I wasn’t.”

Author's Note

I'm sorry for the long wait. My internet has been stuffing up again. But I hope this new chapter will make up for it.

Please don't forget to vote and comment. I would love to hear what you guys think of my story so far :)

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