Chapter Twelve-Father

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Chapter Twelve-Father

            (Amber's pov)

            It's my own fault. I wasn't tuned into my surroundings, not paying attention to what was happening around me until I heard the growls of the other wolves. It's my own fault for paying too much attention to Johnathan. And now we are stuck in a cell and chained to a wall, Johnathan and I facing each other and hope with a thin chain around her neck bolted to the ground. At least those werewolves didn't separate me from Hope or Johnathan and neither of them a hurt, thank god. I heard footsteps. I sniffed the air and I smelled the scent of someone foul; my father. The door opened and in stepped the man I loathe.

            "Hello my daughter," he smirked at me.

            "Fuck off dad," I replied. I shouldn't have done that. He came over and slapped me across the face.

            "That's for disrespecting me," another slap. "That's for running away," slap. "That's for getting pregnant like the slut you are," slap. "That's for messing up my plans," slap. "That's for being mated to by Beta's son," slap. "And that's just because I can." Asshole.

            I looked over at Hope and she seemed unfazed by what she just witnessed. Good girl, I thought. I trained her well. If she seemed unaffected by the sight of me in pain or getting hurt, my father will be a little more reluctant to hurt her as well. I looked over at Johnathan and he seemed the complete opposite to Hope. Where she seemed to not care about anything, he looked like he was one step away from killing my father. It would be nice if he did.

            My father walked away from me and went over to Hope. I barely held in a growl.

            "Well, you must be my granddaughter," he smirked, but still she looked uninterested.

            "Hello, granddad," she replied.

That's it, I thought. Good girl.

"Do you know who your father is, little one?" Of course he had to ask that question. "Is it that basted over there?" He pointed towards Johnathan.

"No, he not my dad. My dad hurt mummy, John wouldn't hurt his mate." Oh I love you Hope, but why did you say that?

My father jumped away from Hope, as if she suddenly seemed to be some kind of disease. He started to pace, deep in thought. About what I couldn't be sure. Then he stomped back over to me.

"What happened to you when you left me? Who is that child's father?"

"I was kidnapped again, by Dominick. He's the father." There didn't seem to be any point in lying to him, he would just hit me again and my cheek is already bruised enough as it is. "My mate helped me escape from his basement."

I looked my father in the eye and what I saw was something I've never seem from him since I was four years old. His eyes held regret and anger. What the hell is going on? He looked over at Johnathan, my mate.

"Are you my daughter's mate?" he asked. He looked hopeful. What the fuck?

"Yes, I am Amber's mate," he replied with a pride filled tone.

"You little fucker!" he yelled. Yep, there's the father I know. "She's my daughter; you will stay away from her!"

"Or what, Alpha? What will you do?" Oh John, please shut up.

            "Or I'll remove your title as soon-to-be Beta and I'll kick you out of my pack, stay away from my daughter!"

            With that, he walked out of the cell, only stopping to glare at me. He slammed the door shut and I felt tears spill form my eyes.


I know this chapter is very short, but the tension picks up in the next couple of chapters.

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