Episode 32

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Episode 32


swasan was hugging each other In terace there was a clap sound from the entrance

both where shocked to see the person But as they parted ways to explain to that person sans cheeks became red due to a tight slap

sw : Bhai!!!!!!!!! (ya it was laksh)

sans was shocked by laksh behaviour lak pulled sans collor

lak : How dare u haan maine thumse ek baar nahi do baar nahi 100 baar bola tha ki dont dare come near my shona but u (lak was about to punch him sw shouted At him)

sw Shouting : Bhaiiiiiii stop it enough is enough

lak : Shona

sw : Pls bhai let me explain

lak : Explain wat shona that u still love this bloody idiot no if ur gonna tell that i am sorry i ll never let it happen and i ll kill him

sans : Buddy pls listen to us first

lak : hahahaha listen to u never look i am already loosing my patience if u talk something more i would push u down from hear

sans was now in anger : Haath laga ke dika then u ll know who sanskar maheshwari is

sw : both pls stop that let me speak

sanlak kept quiet

sw told abt the call mike in her room and also that she has doubt on his kidnapping

lak : Hahahahaha good joke swara nice u might have doubt in other ppl but i am sure that he is the person who has done everything

sans : Mind ur words mr laksh gadodia

lak : y should i hamesha sach kadva hotha hai mr sanskar maheahwari

sw : Can u guys pls keep quite i am hear thinking abt ur life and u ppl are fighting vaa great

lak : Phir kya shona u know na he can do anything to marry u he just want revenge i am dam sure its him

sw : fine ok (sans was shocked) Its upto u to belive him or not but i am sure he is not the one

lak : Ur trusting him swara dont u remember he was the one who dint trust u and was not there with u when u needed him the most and he doesnt deserve u swara

sw : I know he has not trusted me but it was his situation which made him to take that decision ok let me ask u one thing if i was in rags place wat would have u been done the same not oly that u would have done worser than that i respect the way he care for his sister on that day he was not trusting me as he was not able to see his sister in That situation i know he always loved me and he loves me bhai

lak : Love aur ye hmmmm never if there is no trust there will not be any place for love trust is important in a reationship... where there is no trust it means nothing Do u get that

sans : I accept it was my fault but i have never hated her i always loved her and i wanna marry her again

lak : shona tell him that it will never happen and i have decided today is ur and rahuls engagement

sans : Pls laksh mere baath to sunno

lak : Ab sunne keliye bacha hi kya hai sanskar (to sw ) be ready by today evening

sw Wiped her tears : Ok i will but on one condition (sans was shocked but this time he knew she will be rite he now trusts her blindly)

lak : Wat??????

Y DO I STILL LOVE YOU❤ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now