Episode 46

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Swasan room

All were planning their next step

Rag : u know wat bhai when u told me u wanna meet me and lucky i was scared

Sans : hahahaha y

Lak : sale phir kya all of a sudden if u call us then wat wil we think

Rag : aur nahi tho the way u spoke was so rude "ragini where are u i wanna meet u and laksh in 10mins come to ccd"(imitating sanskar)  this was it and thud the ph was cut

Lak : wat will anyone think and u were angry on me also

San : hi buddy i know yaar u were rite in ur place so chill btw i am sorry its all because of me i should have thought before telling swara to go out of my life on our wedding but i huh because of my anger see we have to tolerate all this non sense (sans told with full anger)

Sw : sanskar cool nothing is because of u everyone is in fault not oly u ok so kudh ko dosh dena chod do thank god u came to know everything


When swaraglak were hearing rahkav talk in their room through thr recorder sanskar was listening everything he wanted to hear more but soon rahul  came towards their room and to make them alert he came in with ansh (after they came in wat happened is in epi 42)

On the same day night swasan room

Sans while going to bed : hmm swara how is the plan going on

Sw : wat plan sanskar

San: wo party ka plan

Sw : haan haan wo wo(sweating) ya good

Sans came near her and hugged her : no need to say lies swara i know everything now tell me wat are u gonna do

Sw stammering : wo wo wat lies sans

San: pls swara i heard all ur talks and rahkav conversation this evening i just came in as rahul was passing through the room

Sw was shocked but soon composed and told him abt everything from first

San banged his hand on the wall : at the back of me this much happened and i was thinking  huh i ll kill him now

Sw holded his hand with care : pls sanskar its not the time we have to plan something else he have once kidnapped lucky wat if he does something to  someone now

San : so u want me to sit and watch all his drama huh i cant swara .

Sw : offo sanskar listen to me raglak is also helping us so pls lets discuss about it later now lets sleep ur babies are sleepy (with cute pout)

San : ur impossible (saying this he also went to sleep while taking swara into a tight embarce as if he dont want to leave her even minute)

Next morning from scl swasan went to ccd to meet raglak

Swara told them abt how sans came to know their plan

Lak : i i am really sorry buddy muje nahi patha tha ki

San : huh muje laga u ll hug me in happiness that we cleared all our misunderstanding but u huh

Lak with teary eyes hugged sanskar : sorry budddy

Sans teary eyes : leave all that buddy i am sorry too

Lak : ab kya

San : ab kya we ll show them who we r and wat we can do if we r together (both sanlak had an eyelock with an evil smrik)

Fb ends ........


Sw : ahhhhh ahhhhh (suddenly startes crying)

Sans got panick and went to her : wat happened swara

Sw still crying : no one likes me

San : wat wat are u talking are u dreaming

Lak : hahahaha symptoms started for her also

San : wat symptoms yaar

Raglak : pregnancy symptoms

San : wats that

Lak : now as rags and swara are pregnant they would have mood swings and according to their mood we should adjust

San: but y is she crying all of a sudden

Rag : the babies would have thought of crying and they would have thought u did not love them more

Sans chuckled : is it so

Lak : ya so now u continue suffering with my sister i am going to my room let me suffer with ur sister

Rag : oh so i am making u suffer is it (all of a sudden rags got angry) dont ever come to me again i hate u (saying this she went out to her room)

Lak tensed : arre yaar ye mood swings chalo buddy let me calmdown my baby and u hello my dear buddy take care of my sissy ok

Sans confused : ok

Soon laksh also went to his room now swasan was oly there

Sans went to swara and took her into a side hug and wiped her tears : ab kya hua meri bachi ko haan y are u crying

Sw in baby voice : papa muje na ice cleam kaana hai

Sans saw her cute antics and smiled : challo baby ko ice cleam kaana hai tho ticke lets go

Swasan started to icecream parlour wat happenes next to know the same staytuned

So ya guys hope u all are clear abt how sanskar came to know the truth and how sanlak became close again so i am stoping here hope u liked this epi

Thank u


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