Episode 43

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Episode 43

Everyone had gone to respectives office and ladies as usual house hold works sansh has gone to scl as our naughty ansh teacher has told him to call his parents and on the otherside our swara has gone to meet her frnd

@swaras side

sw on call : Hi babes i came where are u yaar

her frnd : o shit sorry yaar lil work i have so can u come and pick me up

sw : Of course but u told u ll take off today rite

frnd : Yaa but just had some work so u come to This place (gives address) And ask the security he will take u in ok

sw : Arre ye tho achha baba i ll reach bye (smiles seeing the address) Hmmm challo lets go i can meet him also today


sans was tensed : U told ur teacher had called swara also but now if she asks wat will we do

asn : Huh papa when ansh is here not to fear

sans to himself : Same like his mom but how wil he know i am not fearing for his mam but for his mom huh if she knows abt this she ll kill me

ans : papa dont worry i know wat ur mummering dont worry mom will not come to know

sans : Ur telling this but wat if she comes to know u ll run wat will i do she is gonna kill me

ans : u also escape the same way u do all the other times when u get caught

san Was confused : Wat

ans : Haan i have seen u escape from mom by giving kissy to her hai na

sans was tensed and blushed hard : u once come home i ll show u who i am

ans : truth is always bitter papa

san: ab if ur teasing is over shall we move now come lets go

ans : Ya ya lets go  otherwise that devil will eat me alive

they went to meet the teacher

@teachers cabin

ansh : May i come in mam

tea: Ya come in

sans : Hmmm myself sanskar maheshwari anshs father

tea looks at ansh angrily ; Ansh i have told that i want to meet both ur mom and dad but where is ur mom

Sans : Wo actually

before sans could say further ansh started crying : Aaaaannnn aaannnnn maaaaa

teacher got panick : Kya hua mera bacha y are u crying

ansh : Aaannnn maaa is gone to mamas house

techer : Ok but then too she would have come na so irresponsible she is

ansh : No no mam maa is so good but mama is not good

sans was still seeing him in shock

ansh : Mama always drinks and comes home and beats my mami And now also they fought so mom has gone to see them

sans slowly whispered ansh without teacher noticing : Wat is all this champ

ansh : Papa pls dont disturb me while acting i ll forget my lines

tea : Oh ok so (soon she was disturbed by a call and went to attend the call)

sans : Wat was that

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