Episode 20

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Episode 20

Divya was an average looking girl and also a nice frnd of sans as she has been secretly married to his frnd gowtham (divyas father is very strict as both her elder sisters did love marriage without her fathers permission hence he is strict but since gowtham and divya was in love from scl days their frnds in order to unite them did their court marriage and no one knew this apart from sans and few of his scl frnds) this intro is because she plays an important role in swasans coll life so here we gooooo

Sans and sw was talking abt the marriage of raglak

Divya comes and closes sans eyes from behind

Sans : whose this (by the time he touches her hand he found the ring which they both gowdiv exchanged in their wedding) achha tum meri divya Ho na

Sw was in jealous and just was staring at them

Div: omg u remember me

Sans : when did I forget u to remember u now

Div : awwwweee so sweet (saying this she hugged him)
Sw who was fully jealous : sans I am leaving I have a lot of work(saying this she went from that place seeing her going sans was confused )

Div : chalo bhai we ll go to class

Sans : how many times to tell u not to call me bhai here all calls me sanky pls meri ma call me sanky and I am the same age of u ok

Div : hahahaha u never change na bhai (saying this she runs and sans runs behind her sw who was watching all this from far didn’t hear anything but just saw them )

Sw to herself : ab thak tho he was telling me as his bf but see now he has totally forgotten me and that chipku divya see how she is hugging sans huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! One second miss swara gadoida let him talk to anyone wat bothers u let him go to hell u have lots of work

Soon in the evening there was an announcement by principal sir

Prin : all of u know there is a cultural event on our coll to be held in a week so I need all of u to participate in the same as sanskar is our cultural seceratory he will lead everyone and hope there is no goof up in the same thank u in advance

Swasan was hearing this was fully exited

Sw : wooowww sans so we both will do an act and that’s final and I decided the story romeo Juliet ok

Sans : awwwweeeee u like me that much haan swara that u want me to be ur romeo

Sw : oh mr don’t think much I love acting and also i love that story that’s y

Sans : in mind : I know that’s y ur acting as if u don’t love me

Sw : sans wat are u thinking

Sans : nothing ab challo I ll come

Sw went from there

Div : bhooooo

Sans was scared : arre tumne tho muje dara diya

Div : nice girl na

Sans : wat (acts as if he doesnot know anything)

Div : oyye don’t act smart I have seen love towards her in ur eyes and most of the time u talk abt her and u spend almost all the time with her

Sans : hmmmm wo tho hai but…….

Div : but wat bhai??????
Sans : don’t know she loves me or not

Div : offo she also loves u

Sans : how r u telling that

Div : I have seen in her eyes when in morning I hugged u she was staring at me as if she would have burnt me

Y DO I STILL LOVE YOU❤ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now