Episode 44

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Episode 44


swasan came home hand in hand and was shocked to see the scene

ragini was crying like hell laksh was stroming in anger ap dp sujatha and ram was sitting tensed ansh was sleeping on aps lap

swasan was lil scared to see and lots of questions were running in their mind

swa: Wat happend y are u all sitting like this rags y are u crying

dp : ye sab kya hai sanskar

sans was confused : Kya hua aap sab ko aur main maine kuch nahi kiya bade papa

ram : Huh kuch nahi kiya tho ye kya hai (he pulled kavitha infrony of him who was crying)

san : Kavitha wat happened to her y is she crying

rahul came infront of him and said something which made sanskar shocked and angry

rah : hahahaha nice joke sanskar y is she crying wow so u dont know anything rite

sans : Huh wat is going on guys pls can anyone say me

rah : How could u do this sanskar how can u tell her to abort ur child

sans : Waaaattttt???? My child wats all this swara when did i tell u To (interepted by rahul)

rah : i am not talking abt swara i am talking abt kavitha

sans : Wat rubbish is this (went to kavitha) Wats all this kavitha wat is he talking were u pregnant wats all this answer me damit

kavi Was just standing while crying (in mind): I know this is all wrong but wat to do i want rahul to be happy i am sorry sanskar

sans holded her shoulder tightly : Can u pls answer wats all this damit talk something

rah : Wat will she tell sanskar u have destroyed her life and made her pregnant now u have told her to abort the child are u not shamed to kill ur own child

sw : Wats all this rahul U told its ur child and now ur telling its its (she was not abl to complete)

rah : Ya swara i told that just for kavitha and sanskar he doesnt want anyone to know abt this but now he oly told to abort the child i was not able to tolerate this thats y i am really sorry i have not told u this before i am sorry i dint know that he will be such a bloody person

sans holded rah color : Just shut up i have done nothing and i have not told anythng to her

rah : Huh how many lies u ll tell sanskar (went to swara) See her how can U betray her sanskar how can u i dint know ur such a bad person

sans went near swara and cupped her face : Swara i i really dont know wat he is telling so u think ur sanskar can do this no na

sw was just standing with tears no word was coming from her mouth

lak Who was seeing all this was fed up and was in full anger : Just stop it just stop.ur acting i know who u are and now this chi (went near him and pulled him With his color ) dont u dare to touch her i ll kill u i thought u love her but no tum jaise ghatia aathmi ko maine kabi nahi deka

rah went near her and holded her shoulder : shona dont cry i am there with u i ll never let any bad person come near u (staring sanskar)

sans : omg pls can anyone listen to me mera yakeen kijiye maine kuch nahi kiya hai

suji : why should we belive u chora see because of u two girls life have beeb destroyed

sans : Mom pls understand i dint do anything ma pls badepapa papa atleast u ppl understand me

lak : Bussss no one is here is ready to listen to u and i have decided some thing

everyone was seeinv him for his decision

lak : Sanskar has destroyed kavithas life so

sans holded laksh color : So wat are u coming to say

laks : U should marry kavitha

sans left his color and was standing like a statue in shock

ap : But beta yeh sab

lak : I dint complete yet already sanskar and swara is divorced so there is nothing to talk abt and rahul is ready to accept swara i dont want to take any risk in my sisters life so i want this marriage to be held asap that will be good for both swara and kavitha

dp : Par beta lets talk abt it calmly any decision taken in anger would be a wrong one

lak : No badepapa i have decided it i want swarah and kavi and sanskars marriage to be held asap

sans with a smirk : swara is mine oly mine this marriage will never happen and we are (interepted by swara)

sw : stop it Just stop it i dont want anyone to dicuss abt this furthur wat ever my bhai tells will be correct for me

sans holded her shoulder in anger : Oh so u ll marry rahul is it dont u dare swara it will never happen ur mine oly mine did u get that and u all(to everyone) Get it clear now she is mine and i have never betrayes her and there is nothing between kavitha and me

lak : huh i know wat to do and wat not this marriage will.happen

sans : Lakshhhhh

lak who was in rage came to slap sanskar but was stoped by a soft hand ya that was swara

lak : Leave me i ll kill him now

sw : Pls no more talks abt this (saying this she ran to her room)

sans also angrily ran towards their room followed by swara ans closed the door

both swasan were looking each other with rage

swasan : How dare u???????

why are they angry with eachother is that because of the marriage or something else so wait for a twist....

i dint read it guys sorry if there is any spelling or grammer mistake

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