Episode 3

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Here u go todays episode

There raglak comes with a kid

after seeing everyone the small boy comes and hugs ap shouting dadi she was very happy to see him

ap: Aree ansh how are u did u miss dadi

ansh: ya dadi i missed u and suju dadi very much and sweetie(who is she will be reveled soon) Also missed u all so much

ragini: This is not fair haan... Seeing ur dadi u forgot this ragini ma and maa(ap) aap u also forgot me seeing ur grand son (makes puppy face)

laksh : No one is seeing me also by the way i am this house jamai raja LAKSH GADODIA (naam tho sunna hoga) Saying this he winks seeing ragini

ap and suju : haan we were waiting for him for one year so we ll talk only to him

ansh : Shouts(dadi!!!!!!)

ap and everyone are shocked

dp : ap ji dekiya wat happened to him

suju: Omg wat happened to him all of a sudden (saying this all run towards him)

ansh : are dadi i am feeiling hungry!!!!! after comming to india u ppl Will make me starv is it pls give me something to eat na

raglak : Ghar aathe Its not been minutes see he started his nautanki

ragini : Bilkul bhai jaise

laksh gets angry and goes from there

@raglak room

ragini knew he was angry he was standing and dailing someones number (ragini comes and hugs him from behind and says sorry laksh i should have not told that)

laksh: Its ok ragz but dont tell this in front of others u know rite wat all happened is because of ur so called bhai

ragz comes to say somthing but he cuts her off stating i should make an important call and goes to balcony

Laksh: Hello we have reached India

Girl : Good is everything fine there!!!!!!!

laksh : ya

girl : But u dont sound like ur fine bhai tell me wat happened???? Thum sab se jut bol sakthe ho but not to me bhai

laksh : i know meri maa but i think u have an important meeting rite

girl: O shit!!!! ya thank u bhai ur the best brother in the world U always remind me things which i forget from child hood


there is a big luxurious house there is a girl(ya lakshs sister)
getting ready in a gorgious salwar suit(yellow colour) standing near the mirror she has sindoor in her forehead and a mangalsutra in her neck with free hair ya she is our beautiful and cute SWARA!!!!!!!!!(sanskars swara)

now she is managing the GADODIA INDUSTRIES In london after her fathers death

there is everything in the house which any person wants... in these many years she had proved herself a best business woman but wat abt her happiness the day he left her life even her happiness left her.... She smiles fakely seening the mirror and gets ready for the meeting

on the other side


they are the only rival for GADODIAS but they never know eachother or met each other (or let us say destiny dint want them To meet)

ya u ppl guessed it rite Its our one and oly hero handsome hunk SANSKAR(swaras sanskar) But they have never met eachother being in same city

he also was having a weird feeling abt GADODIAS INDUSTRY And hoping to meet her but that always ends up in seeing her manager and the other partner

there comes the day he was ready for the meeting in his room and waiting to meet the owner of the company(but he himself doesnot know why he wants to meet them and dont know who is that all these years he have struggled alot to take this position where he is now. he had done many contracts and meetings but today after hearing that the meeting was with Gs he was so restless that may be because of the name GADODIAs he was still hopping that it might be his S.... As he was thinking it was interuppted by a person)

swaras pa: Sorry sir SG(they call her with this name not swara) is not coming for meeting on behalf of our concern i ll attend the meeting

Sanskar: (angry)Y ur boss doesnt have any time to come to.meeting also(he doesnt know even his boss is guy or a girl) He feels as his last hope is also gone

he thinks himself : i thought its u after hearing the name Gs but i was fool who was waiting for you all these days Did u hate me this much SHONA.. I know u hate me i too hate u but some where i love u(Y DO I STILL LOVE YOU)

@swaras room

y when ever i have meeting with KARMA INDUSTRIES i resist myself i dont know y something stops me (wat the hell is this feeling its killing me) Tears roll in her eyes

suddenly she gets a call

its her pa : Mam deal is done!!!! But----- 

swara : But wat????????

pa : This contract will be completed only when u come and sign the papers

swara : (angry) Wat the hell get the papers immidiately i ll sign....

pa : But maaaaammmm....

swara : But wat dammit tell me!!!!!

pa: They will.only give the papers When u attend the meeting mam

swara : fine  I am comming

pa: But mam

swara : now wat??????????

pa : He has gone to INDIA

SWARA : Who?????

pa : SM

swara : Wat?????? Ok i know wat to do????? She cuts the call

her anger is on her peak u bloody how dare u!!!!!!! fine i ll show u who are GADODIAS thum galath insane ke saath panga le rahe ho MR SM  ur count down starts now she smriks (still she doesnot know it sanskar) she calls someone

precap: In INDIA...!!!!!!!

how was the episodr guys do u want me to continue or stop pls let me know i typed it fastly so sorry if there is any mistake

And now as u all know

SANSKAR MAHESHWARI :is son of suju and rp and he has a sweet sister ragini and he is swaras husband

LAKSH GADODIA:  Is swaras bhai and he is son of sumi and shekar And raginis husband

SWARA GADODIA : Laksh sister and sanskars wife

RAGINI MAHESHWARI : Sanskars sister and lakshs wife 

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