Episode 22

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Episode 22 

here we goooo

@guest room night

ansh : Offo see i am not getting sleep u know papa she used to say stories without hearing her stories i ll not sleep after coming to india also maa used to call me and tell story but see now(pout face)

sans : Hmmm so my champ is sad

ansh : Hmmm ya

sans : Wat shall we dooo idea

he tells the idea to ansh

@swasan room

ansh came running to swara

ansh : Maa maa

sw : Arre kya hua beta

ansh : Maa wo wo

sw : Was scared : Wo wo kya bolo tho sahi

ansh : Papa ko

sw : Papa ko kya hua

ansh : dont know i think(before he could complete sw ran down to see sans)

@guest room

sans was lying with the termometer in his mouth

sw came and sat near sans

sw : Kya hua sanskar thabyath to teek hai na

sans : Takes the termometer out : See if i am ok why would i keep thermometer shona

sw touches his forehead and neck : But saskar everything is fine

sans : See this thermeter

sw ; Oh shit wat the hell u have high fever but ur forehead is cold and even ur neck is cool

sans : Wo wo haan haan i think fever in inside and see i am shivering

sw : Y are u shivering now (saying this she side hugs him and takes him to her embarce)

then after sometime she notices hot water cup under the bed

sw In mind : Acha tho this is son and papas game hmmmm not bad wait and watch!!!!!

ansh came inside saw them and showed thumps up to sans and hugged swara by the other side Sw hugged both ansh and sans and slept

in middle of night sw got an idea 
acha u both fooled me see now

sw shouted : Bhaiii!!!!!!

since ansh was sound asleep oly sans got up

sans : Waattttt Where (saying this he got up from the bed and stood straight)

sw : Wo bhai haan wo vahan

sans Was sweating : Omg if he sees us like this we are gone he ll kill me and u also now wat to do

sw : good night i feel sleepy go and sleep

sans : Wat are u mad then y the hell did u shout 

sw : Its my wish

sans : Wish mathlab i thought lucky came to our room

sw Came near him put her hand on sans shoulder and went near his ears : baby by the way do u know wats tit for tat u made fool on me so i disturbed u hahahah(saying this she laughed louder )

sans : Achha (saying this he came near her smiling naughtily)do u know the meaning of that i ll show u wat tit for tat means

sw : Bhai

sans : Where

sw : Hahahahaha u lost (saying this she ran to her room)

sans smilled and went to sleep near ansh


all are assembled in dinning table for breakfast including sans ansh and swara

everyone was having breakfast

"surprise" there was a sound on the entrance

everyone came and saw that person

swasan and rags face became pale

sw to sas : Wat the hell is this already we have lots of problem now this u invited this person rite

sans : Wat i (before he could complete)

lak ad rah : Omg see who is here (they both where smiling and welcoming that person) Come in y are u standing there

swasan was in shock !!!!!!!!


after confessing her love swara was crying and going to her home but she was told everyone is in mm she went there


sw saw lak doing some decoration work

sw came running and hugged him : Bhaiiiii

lak was shocked : Shona wat happened y are u crying

sw : Comes into sense no i actually

lak : Sach sach batha hua kya hai

sw : Nothing i missed u and i am.tired i want to sleep

lak : Ok go to sans room and sleep as he ll be in guest room with me today

sw thinks : if i say anything then bhai will know that something is fishy its ok i ll stay in his room itself who cares

sw went to sans room and was crying badly thinking abt him and soon felt asleep

sans came from coll to see swara but she was no where

sans : Where r u shona pls once come and see me na i promise i ll never leave u

sans takes his mobile to call swara

sans : shit its switched off since i dint charge it ok chalo we ll charge it and call her (saying this he goes to his room)

sw was sleeping in his room

sans came in and was shocked to see her and went near her and was shocked as the pillow was lil wet due to her tears and her left chin was having red marks of his fingers as he slapped her hard

sans to our sleeping beauty : shona i am really sorry wo i dint think to hurt u really i am sorry patha hai shona i started loving u from the day i saw u i still.have that stained shirt which u made it dirty!!!! the day i saw u decided i ll.marry only u (saying this he kissed her cheeks)

he was abt to go but He was pulled by a soft hand due to which he feel on his bed it was swara

sw : Did it not smell.bad

sans : Wat

sw : Haan u told na u have that stained dress till now so it will be stinking na

sans : Oh so u where hearing all this

sw : Sorry sanskar

sans : I am sorry swara i should have not slapped u sorry and i love u really love u ur my world pls forgive me

sw was so happy hearing this and kissed his lips sans was also reciprocating slowly it turned to a passionate one they both parted after sometime and sans went out saying her to take rest both were blusing so much

but both did not know wat is there waiting in their way 

sorru for small update will update long one tomoro pakka sorry

thank u 

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