Episode 9

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Hmmmm as promised ya here i am with the next part today

i hope u ppl like it just leave ur comment if u like it or not so here we goooo

@midnight in mm

sans was holding a plate and was seeing wats there to eat as he was hungry but he noticed swara was still standing there near the kitchen door

sans to himself : Arre ey ladki mind se hati hi nahi rahi hai i think i became mental by seeing her thats y i am thinking as she is there in kitchen thum bi na sanskar omg wat she says is correct ur a pagal oly

he heard a voice : Hi bagwan finally Mr maheshwari has accepted that he is pagal after years!!!!!!

he just turned and was again in a shock she was standing near him smilling

he was not able to belive his eyes

sans: Ssss ssswwwaaarrraa swara!!!!!

swara : Ssssswwwwaaaarraaa nahi i am swara

sans just left the plate he was holding down (which falled making a big sound)

swara : O shit wat did u just do!!!!!!

sans : swara

swara : Omg i know i am swara y r u behaving like this i am finished now

swara to herself : Shona cool kuch soch now if bhai sees u here u r gone think think (she got and idea)

in the mean while sans was just staring at her(u know na our sans dont even miss a single chance to see her)

swara pulls him with her and went back of the kitchen door they were so close ki they were able to hear their heartbeat clearly

sans : Swara

swara : Omg do u know any other word than swara

sans : Nooooo

swara : Closes his mouth with her hand as he was little shouting just then they heard a sound which made both of their face red

laksh : Who is that???? I asked who.is that (saying that he came inside the kitchen and switched on all the lights

swara was so scared that she just hided her face inside sans chest

sans : Swara

swara : Aree bagwan ya i am swara ok i know that u dnt want to repeat that again and again samje

laksh was just investigating the kitchen

swara : Sanskar

sans : Haan (he was still staring at her)

swara : do u want to get beatings from my bhai

sans: Haan !!!!!!!! Mathlab y

swara : If he sees me and u here then he ll kill u

sans : wait i ll handle him (saying this he was abt to go)

swara : I know How u ll handle the same way u handlled him in the party today rite????

sans : Arre u dont know abt my strength

swara : Arre wah beta!!! I came to know abt ur strength on the day when u added the clauses without my brothers knowledge

sans was shocked

swara : see hearing luckys name itself ur sweating wat will.happen when he beats u

sans : Hello meri jaan dont underestimate the power of sanskar maheshwari

swara : stared at him and told dont call me jaan and i know ur power saying this she Was abt to laugh loud

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