Episode 8

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yepiiiiiiieeeee here is the next Epi

Episode 8

swara and ansh sat near the garden and there was also a  restaurant in the club

swara : Ansh where is ur dosth dint come yet????

ansh : Looks Here and there at the entrance and he finds him maaa he came

swara : Where ????

ansh : There (he shows her the direction where he is standing)

swara Was shocked to see him she had oly one name in her heart sanskaaaarrrrr!!!!!

he has come to see her with a flower boquite seeing her he was happy

swara runs towards him jumps and hugs him tightly due to which his flower boquite fell down

swara was crying so badly

sans was in shock and dint hug her back swara was still crying even sans eyes were numb they both were crying out their pain hearing her crying sans comes to his sences and hugged her tightly

sans : shhhhhh!!!!!! shona Dont cry we are meeting after a long years i dont want to see u crying pls smile na shona i want u to be smiling always  (saying this he cupps his face and Wipes her tears )

swara was still crying badly

seeing this sans took her to his embarce swara was now clearly able to hear his heartbeat

swara : Do u know how much i missed u!!!! Y did u leave me???? U know how it feels when a person who u love leaves u??? When u think a person as ur life and if they leave u???? It pains sanskar it pains like hell!!! It was like someone has taken my heart out

sans : Do u think i was happy leaving u???? I was a dead man i stopped laughing i stayed alone always the oly thing i remembered was u and i missed u soooo much tooo u know y because i loved u more than my life.... And i promise u i ll.never leave u again swara ur my everything

swara : Never think of leaving me i ll kill u

both were happily smilling after long years

suddenly swara comes to her scenses and jerks him

swara : I am sorry i was(she was strumbling)

sans came near her to cup her face 
swara : Dont u dare touch me seeing u i was disturbed thats y i i i Sorry

sans : Swara i am sorry

swara : Pls leave me alone and dont dare to come near me and my son i am not the same swara who u left years back do u get that stay away

Sanskar was shocked to hear this : Shona listen to me lets talk

swara : Jab Baath karne keliye kuch bacha hi nahi hai tho wat do u want me to talk??? Mr sanskar maheshwari enough is enough (saying this she takes ansh with her)

swara calls some one(hello book two flight tickets to london i want it immidietly its ok if its economy also)

sans seeing this tried to stop her

she just left from there

suddenly there was a tap on sans shoulder!!!!!

he realises it was all dream and he was shocked to see that person standing behind

sans : U ???????

guy : I have told u several times not to come near her but u (saying this he holds his color)

sans :(angrily) She is my wife!!!!

guy : Oh thume ab yaad aaya very good v v good!!!

sans : I dont want to talk to u i ll talk to her!!! (saying this he started to leave)

again the guy came in front of him

guy : Do u think i ll leave u to meet her i think ur forgetting It she is my sister before ur wife????(ya its laksh) and now u both r divorced and do not try to go near her i ll kill u and i mean it this time

sans : Laksh pls understand She loves me and she needs me!!!!

laksh : O really!!!!! Hahahaha by the way u never change u make me laugh even now!!!! Am i looking as a fool no just let me know

sans : Just stop it laksh

laksh : I told u to stop it but u dint so now pls leave from here saying this he pushes sans

sans just was abt to fall some one from back holds him

sans: Ragini!!!!

Rags : Pls bhai go from here pls laksh is angry on u dont know how he ll behave pls

sans just walks out from there

as sans goes raglak goes near swara

swara: Happy!!!!  Bhai!!!! Rags!!!!
u here omg i am so suprised

ansh : Mama mami!!! Dosth nahi aaiya???

laksh takes him on his arms and says:  why i am not ur dosth a???

ansh : Na na not like that

laksh : Then wat lets celebrate

they all have dinner happily in the restaurant and leaves home (as they reach home it was late all sleeped but sans was waiting to see swara )

after seeing her coming he gets a smile on his face and goes to guest room

@mid night in mm

sans where very hungry as he did not have dinner

he went to kitchen to see whether there is something to eat

after he goes in he hears foot step he thought it would be ramu kaka and without seeing

sans : kaka aap so jaiye i ll take my food (but he felt the person is not moving)

sans just looked up and wat.he saw was his swara

sans felt he is dreaming and told to himself : Arre yaar see this girl is making me crazy y do i see her everywhere this is not true sanskar just concentrate on ur food!!!!! Phele pate pooja and then u can dream wat ever u want

saying this he took his plate

is that really swara????? Or else his dreams????

lets see i know its a small update but i ll update the next one by tomorrow

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