Episode 48

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Episode 48

Sans : i have decided something

Swalakrag was laughing in mind as its their plan

Dp : y are u telling us that??? have u said anything before doing no na ab kya hua achanak se hamare yaad aagaiya

Sans : this has to be informed to everyone thats y

Suju : muje kuch nahi sunna hai u do wat ever u want

Sans : i want to marry kavitha

Kav stood up in shock : waattt

rahul was happy : wat omg realy i am realy happy ok so i ll call pandit for fixing the date

Sans : i have already fixed everything

Dp : have u gone mad then wat abt swara have u thought abt her

Lak : leave it papa i am here to think abt my shona and i have already decided wat to do

Ap : wat have u decided beta

Lak : rahul is ready to marry shona

This was a shock for sanskar as this was not told to him before..... ya they discussed abt this but sans was against the same and went out in anger saying he is not ok with that but swalakrag has decided this and as per plan lak announced that sw will marry rah due to which sans is dam angry now

Sans was looking sw in anger where in sw was pleading him and saying sorry through eyes after discussion abt swarah and sans kav marriage everyone went to thr room except swara

@raglak room

Sw was sitting bitting her nails in nervousness

Rag sat beside her : wat happened swara y are u tensed now

Sw : arre yaar we have informed sans about his and kavs marriage plan but abt mine and rah he was already against the same but now huh he is gonna eat me live

Rag : offo for this ur tensed i know abt bhai he cannot be angry on u for more time go and talk to him

Sw : ok

@swasan room

Sans was angrily working on his lappy sw came in without making sound and sat beside him

Sw : sans sanskar

Sans was still in lappy didnot even see her

Sw : sanskar deko na

Sans irritated : kya hai

Sw : y are u getting irritated now wat did i do

Sans : wat did u do yeh pucho ki tumne kya nahi kiya hai

Sw : look i ll tell u y we did that

Sans : i dont want to hear anything just leave me alone i have told u 1000times that i am not ok with the plan of u and rah

Getting huh i dont even  want to think abt that 

Sw : arre sanskar its just a plan

Sans full of anger : plan go hell with the plan sw

Sw : offo yaar now itself ur getting irritated wat will happen if i get married

Before she could complete sans sushed her by keeping his rough lips on her soft lips he was kissing her madly and biting her lips like animal she was happy inside as he was showing his love anger and possesivness towards her she was mourning in pain but he was least bothered this was it for her she too started to kiss him he bite her lower lips she bite his upper lips both were lost in the kiss as sans bite her lips it started bleeding even blood was oozing on his lips soon they parted due to lack of oxygen and was staring eachother lovingly sans now saw her lips which was swolen and with blood stains then her baby bump he was upset and wiped her lips with lots of love

Sans (while wiping her lips ) :i i am sorry wo i was lil angry so i i am really so (before he could complete she kissed him it took some seconds for him to realise but he too responded back by kissing her it was a sweet kiss which was showing their love towards eachother)

Sw parted from kiss and wiping his lips : i am sorry sanskar i am really sorry

Sans : shhh no need of sorry and all ok now we have to go ahead with the plan and i am sorry when i heard

Sw : shhh i know just keep in mind i am always urs and oly urs and i love u so much

Sans smiled at her and cupped her face : i know and i love u more

Sw : no i love u more

San : no i love u more

Sw : no i love u more

Voice from door : no no no i love u both more

Swasan saw towards the door and a big smile came in their face : we too love u champ (ya it was ansh)

Ans ran towards them and hugged them : ma papa wat r u both doing (seeing swasans lips) and wat happened to ur lips y is it bleeding

Swasan was shocked

Sw : wo wo kya hai na mosquito bite me

Ans : achha ok papa wat happened to ur lips

Sans : ur mumma bite me

Swansh : waattttt

Sans remebered wat he told : wo wo haan haan ye i got hit in wall thats y

Ansh got down as he was sitting on sans lap and kept his hands on his waist : acha but y did dada(dp) dint tell me this

San : wat did he did not tell u

Ans : no when i went to his room yesterday even dadas lips were like this i asked him but he just gave me a chocolate and went out of the room

Sw was shocked hearing this : wo wo ansh (in fake anger) did u do ur homework today

Ans : no ma i am going to

Sw : huh go and complete ur home work now go and haan dont ask these type of questions again ok (sans was seeing all this and was supressing his laugh)

Ans pouts : no one is answering my question these elders na ufff (to sw) i am going bye and u know wat papa was rite ur angry bird

Sw : wat??? Wat did u say now

Ans ran out : i dint say ma papa oly said ask him itself bye ma bye papa all the best

Sans who was suppressing his laugh was laughing loud by holding his tummy

Sw saw sans angrily and threw a pillow on him : am i a angry bird do i look like that u u

Sans while catching the pillow : i i wat swara opps my sweet angry bird

Sw : u u huh go to hell (in anger turned to other side)

Sans hugged her from back : oh so my angry bird is angry on me

Sw : haan jao i dont wanna talk to u

Sans : oh so u ll not talk to me(started kissing his neck romantically )

Sw closing her eyes : sans sanskar

Sans still kissing her neck and biting it slightly : hmmm

Sw : leave me see door is also open

Sans while keeping his hands on her baby bump : let it be

Sw : sanskar wat will ur babies think abt u haan

Sans stoped kissing her and tunrned her towards him : wat how will they know haan

Sw : buddhu they are inside me na so obvioualy they ll know

Sans moving towards her lips : accha then let them also know how much their papa loves their mom

As he was seeing her lips sw also closed her eyes giving him  permission soon their lips met and both were lost in their kiss

Soon the day ended and our love birds were sleeping in eachothers embrace forgetting all problems with a smile on their faces...

Hope u like todays epi

Thank u


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