Episode 5

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Episode 5

first of all thannnnkkkk u sooooo much!!!!!! first i just thought u ppl will not like my story but thank u for liking it and sure will try to write long So here we go....

soooo finally sans has come to INDIA


sans gets ready to go to office(he has a branch in INDIA)

it was surprise for the employees also as they have not seen him for years

he greeted everyone and went to his cabin he still has his and swaras pic on his table Which they took on.their wedding there is a smile seeing that pic

suddenly he was interepted by a voice his pa

pa : Sir there are some pending contracts to be signed

sans : Watttttty y did they not sign it and i want all the contracts to be signed asap max by tomoro morning

pa : Ok sir

sans: One more thing wat ever meeting i have just cancel that today evening i have an important work 
saying this sans walked out of his cabin


suju: Patha nahi jiji y he has come now and for wat again if he break our hearts then i m not gonna bare him

ap: Sujatha leave abt him now anyway he is our guest and we donot have any reltionship with him wat ever he does its none of our bussiness

suju : Par jiji bahu ko tho bathana padega na

ap: Nahi hargis nahi u ll not tell her atleast let her be happy there 
suju : Haan jiji wo vahan akeli patha nahi kaise halath main hogi?????

in the mean while rags comes there

rags : Are ma and badi ma she is fine jab main aur laksh mile the na london main usse she was very happy

ap : Dont know how she manages things she never tells her pain to anyone!!!!!

rags consoles both of.them and sees the enterance once in A minute

rags thinks (omg where did laksh go after seeing bhai he has not turned home where will.he be dont know wat will i tell him if he comes back )

rags started smilling as she saw her love her husband coming she runs and abt to hug him but she was very afraid how he ll react as she has saw the same angry laksh which she saw 6yrs back

for her surprise he hugged her and told her in her ears dont worry i ll not get angry in u because i love u so much More than my life (rags eyes where numb she told but )laksh cuts her off and says see i dont want any third person to come between us ur brother has died for me 6yrs before itself when he ....(laksh just diverts the topic)

laksh : ok leave it past is past by the way where is my champ

seeing laksh ansh came running

ansh : Mama u know i am going to disney world !!!!!!

laksh : (seeing his happiness told Him) awwwwwe will u take me also

ansh : But we have oly two tickets (saying this he becomes sad)

laksh: Two ok who all are going

ansh : Myself and my dosth(he does not know sanskars name and he calls him dosth)

laksh thinks it would be some neighbour kid and left from there telling him to.enjoy

but rags gets happy as she knows he is going with sans

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