Episode 40

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Episode 40

on the same day evening

@raglak room

lak : How dare he i ll kill him

rags : No pls calm.down laksh do u remember wat swara said

lak : Oly because of her that bastard is alive otherwise i would kill him How is he acting so well infront of us Huh bloody

rags : shhhh pls if anyone hears this then our plan will be failled u know na

@swasan room

sw in mind : shit this sans is still in room how will i go and talk to bhai he ll be so angry by now

sans : Hoi my sherni wat are u thinking

sw : No nothing wo wo feeling lil tired thats it

sans Came near her and made her rest

sw : Arre no i dont want to rest i want to eat icecream can u pls get it for me

sans : Ice cream and now

sw in mind : Pls sans go na if u dont go out how will i meet bhai

sans : Hi wat are u thinking always

sw  comes back to sense : Nothing i want ice cream will u get it or not

sans : Huh ok i ll get it and haan dont go anywhere i ll be back soon ok (saying this kissed her in forehead)

sw just gave him a smile after sans went she goes to raglaks room

@raglak room

sw entered and closed the door

sw : Bhai

lak saw her and hugged her tight : Sorry shona i would have trusted u but i trusted that bloody bastard and was angry on u and sanskar

sw : Its ok bhai even i knew abt all this when he was in london itself

raglak : Wattt????

sw : Haan i ll tell u do u remember when ansh met with accident and he came to see him

lak  : Haan

flash back****

the boy came to see ansh and went out to attend a call mean time swara came to get medicines heard the boys conversation

boy : I dont know anything we should get tHe contract by any hook or.crook u know right wat to do (disconnected the cal and smirked evilly) Hmm sanskar maheshwari get ready for ur barbadi how dare can u snatch my princess from me i ll show u who i am

swara was standing still to hear that : Sanskar ki barbadi wat does he mean no no it cannot happen i ll not let anything happen to.him

soon she called ragini : Hello rags is sanskar there how is he is he fine (rags gave her all info to her abt sans but even rags doesnot know he was owner of karmas )

sw : ok (disconnects the call) I think something is going wrong i should do something now itself.otherwise it might be a big problem


rag ; U would have told us na shona

sw : How could i tell u i dint have any proof on the same then how will i

lak : I ll kill him now how can he even try to plot against sanskar

sw : No no u ll.not do anything he is very clever u know he even kept a mike in our room where in till now we are not able to find which from which place he got it even the number which he called me is a private no which cannot be traced

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