Episode 41

310 17 0



lets start with raglak room

swalakrag was egarly waiting for both to talk

***guy and kavs talk which is been heard by trio swalakrag

kav : Huh i dont know how could these ppl be so dump

guy : Hahaaha ya

kav : Not bad haan rahul nice acting yaar

(ya u guys were rite it was rahul)

rah : Then wat???  u know i saw swara following me and watching me keenly thats y i acted like kissing u that day but fools took video of the same

kav : Huh(smirks) They think i am pregnant Omg they think i am pregnant my foot

rah : Hmmm so now i think we should concentrate on our plan

kav : Ya but this sans is always with that bloody swara then how will he marry me

(this was a great shock for the trio)

rah : Dont worry its simple go and cry infront of whole house saying he is the reason of ur pregnancy

kav : Wat if they find our i am not pregnant

rah : Hahahahaha that ll be so easy for us to prove it

kav : Ur confusing me now

rah : awwwee my baby is confused now listen if they come to know ur not pregnant tell them sans told u to abort the baby as its a hurdle for him and swara and u know abt our mahan swara na she will make u marry sans and leave him

kav : Not bad haan then i ll marry sanskar but wat abt ur so called shona

rah : i ll act infront of lucky that i ll take care of shona and ll marry her so then our marriage will also take place as simple as that

kav : Do u think laksh will do this

ra : Ofcourse y not he is a short tempered man and he takes all decisions soon in anger we just have to provoke him

(ragini gave a death glare to laksh where in lak gulped in fear)

kav : Thats actually a good idea

and as planned i ll get sans property on my name and live a happy life

rah : I too want the same i want sanskar to stay on roads how dare he snatched my princess from me i ll never leave him (in anger leaves the room and closed the door with a thud )

kav who was listening to all was lil shocked to see his anger towards sans

kav to herself : Main sahi tho kari hun na huh y do i think like this y do i feel.guilty i wanted this oly na a rich life then y do my heart feel bad huhhhhhhh leave all that kavitha think how to make sanskar urs thats it and now my head is paining thinking all this

(saying this she went to sleep)

@raglak room

lak was boiling in anger : How dare he bloody i ll not leave him i ll kill him bloody bastard

sw : Huh bhai i think u should try villian role in films

lak : Waaatttt????

sw : Then wat always(imitates lak) I ll kill him i ll kill that bloody idiot

rags laughs loud

sw : Just calm down na bhai i have got a great idea

rag : Wat

sw : Have u heard their convo fully

rag : omg shona ur great i just now got ur point are u gonna do wat i am thinking

sw : 100% rite

lak : Oh hello miss mastermind and miss cleverest tell me wats the plan

rg : Offo budhu did u hear the audio fully

lak : Haan y

rag : did u hear wat kavi was blabbering

Lak : Idiots let her blabber anything who cares

swaragini : We care

lak was now confused fully

(i think u all got my point so keep thinking )

Thank u


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