Episode 4

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Hi guys here u go episode 4

Sanskar is heading to INDIA after yearsssssss he want to see his family there where many thoughts going in his mind

sanskar to himself : wat are u doing sanskar will they accept u??? will they even like to see ur face??? its all because of ur anger 
wat will be bade papas reaction will they leave u to enter in their house wat are u upto?????again ur going to give them pain O god please give me strenght to face them 
upon all that how will she react!!!!!
will she be my same shona????

challo sanskar how many days will u run from them just face them let me also see wat will they do


ansh : Omg dadi halwa is soooo yummy

ap and suju where smilling at the way he was eating

ap : Ab challo drink this milk

ansh : Milk!!!!!!! Oh dadi no way i am full atleast not today (saying this he runs to the steps)

ap and suju runs to catch him but he has already reached his favourate room

his room was so clean and there is a pic of his sweetie he goes there takes her pic and talks to the pic

ansh : Sweetie this is not fair haan how can u send me alone here wait after coming back i ll not talk to u ... U dont like me u oly like others (saying this he hugged the pic and slept)

ap and suju saw this and started crying saying its all because of him

dp and rp consoles them and take them from there

next day


sanskar has boarded his flight to go to.INDIA

some incidents flashes in his mind

"sanskar please leave my hand wats all this everyone is seeing us oly please (swara said)

let them see ur my wife i can do anything and see here ppl are busy in there own work and the flight is also gonna take off so pls

saying this he comes closer to kiss her

there a voice disturbed(wat will u like to have sir)

thera koon ( He replied ) Will u get it for me

air hostress was scared

(swara saw that )she smiled to her and told its ok nothing

sanskar was soo pissed off by this soon as the flight took off swara gave a peck on his cheeks which made him shock "


sanskar is fully in thoughts and had a smile on his face

soon he was interepted by a girl

sir flight has landed to INDIA

hearing the word INDIA His body started shiverring and he was sweating but some how he got courage and went to take a taxi

There he Came to mm

his eyes got numb when he closed his eyes he remebered only one thing Said by swara(if he is in this house i would never be here)

@mm inside

ap: Kal tho u escaped but not today challo drink this milk ur my good cute boy na

ansh: Dadi how many times i have told u not to call.me cute boys are handsome and smart not cute

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