Episode 25

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Episode 25

raglak dp ap and everyone are telling her to open the door even sans is standing with them

its been 15 To 20 Min no response

lak : Now if ur not comming out shona i ll go out of this house and never come back (saying this he ws abt to go)

sw opened the door

everyone was shocked to see her

she was pale and her eyes where red as she was crying all these time there is a suitcase in her hand

lak went and hugged her tightly : Shona i ll just kill u if u scare me like this next time and wats all this kahan ja rahi ho

sw : I am leaving this house bhai 
lak : But where???

sw : I ll stay in ishanis house and tomoro morning i am leaving this country

sans comes to her and cups her face there was blood near his lips and his hand was injured : Pls shona u need not go anywhere i ll leave this country pls but u be happy with everyone dont leave from here because of me

sw : Mr maheshwari dont give this much imporatance to urself i am leaving as i am not intersted to live here

sans : Pls swara dont leave me i love u

sw : Hahahaa how many times will u lie i am tired of this and i hate u i am controling myself dont make me show my anger on u and u ll not bare that

lak : Ragini tell.ur bro to leave from my sight otherwise i ll

sans : Its ok i am leaving

sw : one minute mr (sans stopped and turned to her She went inside the room and got the first aid kit)

sw : I know my brother would have beat u and i dont want anyone to bare pain because of me (saying this she bandages his wounds)

sans In mind : I know swara ur hurt i ll not disturb u i have made a mistake but pls give me one chance i ll clear everything and ur my world shona i love u

sw : I want to tell everyone i am leaving and pls take care of my brother and mom (she started leaving)

after sometime

lak to sw on call : Are u sure u want to go there

sw : Ya i am damn sure

lak : u dont know anyone there then how will u manage

sw : I ll take care u book tickets for me and i just told u i am going to ishanis house since maa was there i am in airport now if possible book ticket for next flight and dont tell anyone apart from rags ok

lak : Just think abt it once shona

sw : bhaii pls

lak : Achha baba i ll arrange tockets for the next flight to australia take care

sw : ok bhai u also take care and haan u call to papas no i ll take my sim out now i dont want any one to disturb me

lak : i understand

lak books ticket for next flight for sw

sans thinks to go to ishanis house before that he calls ishani 
sans : Ishu Hello

is : Han bhai how r u

sans : Give the ph to swara na pls her ph is switched off

is : Waattt but she is not here bhai

sans : Not there mathlab she told she ll come there

is : Bhai any problem(before she could talk furter call got disconneted)

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