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Essence - WizKid (feat. Tems)
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⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐌⋆·˚ ༘ *


liked by declanrice and othersarabellacarter forces on a date? i think so view all 163 commentsglowingbella MY BABY IS GOING ON A DATEolivianeill pls let me look like you ↳arabellacarter uno reverse bitch benchilwell twins↳arabellacarter lmao what

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liked by declanrice and others
arabellacarter forces on a date? i think so
view all 163 comments
olivianeill pls let me look like you
arabellacarter uno reverse bitch
benchilwell twins
arabellacarter lmao what


liked by madders and othersbenchilwell ⚡️view all 94 commentsmasonmount brother ❤️billygilmourrr 🌊arabellacarter oh i get it nowarabellacarter twins

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liked by madders and others
benchilwell ⚡️
view all 94 comments
masonmount brother ❤️
billygilmourrr 🌊
arabellacarter oh i get it now
arabellacarter twins

⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝐈𝐑𝐋⋆·˚ ༘ *

"hello Benjamin" Arabella greeted before placing a soft kiss on his cheek and following him over to the car.

"You look gorgeous, Belle" Ben complimented causing the blonde to blush. "definitely not under dressed either" he chuckled lightly.

"can you tell me where we are going then?" Belle questioned quite eagerly. She had been racking her brain all day on where Ben was taking her but restrained from blowing up his phone with all her guesses.

Ben lightly shook his head, still looking forward at the road but seeing the smaller girl frown in the corner of his eye. "don't make that face, we will be there soon" he reassured before resting his left hand on her thigh.

Arabella could feel the butterflies rising in her stomach but she kept her head down to hide her rosey blush and wide grin caused by the footballers touch. Belle's love language was most definitely physical affection but she had held off making any moves on Ben just yet incase the feelings weren't mutual. However his small gesture made her feel more comfortable, so in response she placed her hand over his and played with the silver rings he was wearing.

Ben eventually parked up and Arabella recognised the Shard in front of them. "Ben you really didn't have to bring me here" she cooed, still looking up at the large building.

"yes I did, Aqua is my favourite restaurant so it only felt right to bring you to the best place I know," Ben explained, taking a hold of Belle's hand and leading her inside.

"are you sure we will get in though, I didn't think trainers were allowed in such a fancy place?" Belle whispered, half jokingly however she was right. Fortunately, Ben's status allowed him anywhere in any outfit or footwear he chose. "yea course, I always wear my forces here" Ben laughed slightly, trying not to come across self-centred.

Once they got into Aqua a waiter nodded to Ben and lead the couple over to the table straight away, clearly recognising Ben as a regular and not even having to check for a reservation. Nothing about this experience was regular for Belle though. Although she had a wide following online she still felt strange going to exclusive places that she knew she didn't belong in.

Chilwell could sense the discomfort from the quiet girl so he offered a reassuring smile and kept hold of her hand till the menus arrived. They both sat in silence for a few minutes as they looked through the menus till Ben chirped up, "anything interest you yet?"

"I'm not really sure, everything has such fancy names and no prices" Belle furrowed her eyebrows.
"Don't worry about prices, this is my treat" Ben grinned, " how about you get the same as me and see if you like it" he suggested which Belle agreed to.

The food arrived not long after they ordered and two identical plates arrived covered in an array of sushi and sea food. Belle was actually a big fan of sushi, but she was more familiar with the shop bought type. She took her first bite and smiled at Ben in response. "I knew you'd like it" Ben said before tucking into his own food.

The date continued to go well from then as the pair got to know each other better. They decided to finally head home after a few hours, making their way outside to the car.

"normally I would offer to let you come back to mine for a bit but I've got training really early in the morning," Ben explained guiltily but Arabella quickly shook her head, " that's totally fine! I wasn't expecting you to do anything more for me anyway, that meal was more than enough. thank you again Ben."

The drive back to Belles apartment complex was fairly silent but not awkward. Once they arrived Ben quickly got out the car to open the passenger door. "what a gentlemen!" she laughed as he jokingly bowed to her.

"goodnight Ben" she hummed before planting another soft kiss on his cheek and waving him away.

⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒⋆·˚ ༘ *
if you haven't realised already this story is going to be a bit of a slow burn but i will try pick up the pace once Belle and Ben have known each other longer.
make sure to leave a vote if you liked this chapter :)
- paisley xo

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