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Lovesick - Mura Masa
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝐈𝐑𝐋⋆·˚ ༘ *

It had been a couple of weeks since Ben and Arabella had their talk and they had been closer than ever. Even though Ben had been busy getting ready for the Champions League final, he spent any spare time he had with Belle.

It was obvious to all his teammates how much he liked the girl by how he was always with her and even when he was at training he still found a way to bring her up in conversation. The boys often mocked him for being a 'simp' but Ben was past the point of denying his envy for Belle, he just laughed in response to them.

Tonight was the Champions League final and the footballer had invited Arabella to come watch him play for the first time. Fortunately for her, Flossie was a big fan of Chelsea and jumped at the chance to go watch the game in Porto.

"come on Belle, we need to leave now" Flossie urged, clearly excited for the night ahead. Arabella was also excited but she couldn't help feel a little nervous.

The two of them left their hotel room and made their way to the driver waiting for them outside who took them to the stadium.

Once they arrived Flossie pulled out her vlogging camera and began to record, " so guys, me and Belle have made it to the stadium! we're about to go in and i'm actually really excited, what's your score predictions?" she grinned and turned the camera to Arabella.

" I don't want to jinx anything with a definite score predication, but Chelsea are definitely going to win," Belle laughed before Flossie finished up recording so they could go inside.

Ben had managed to get the girls some last minute seats up with the other Chelsea players family members and friends. When they got up there it was already quite full but they managed to squeeze into their seats.

The two girls sat talking when Arabella felt a tap on her shoulder. "Hiya you're Arabella, right?" a girl smiled down at her.

"yea that's me" Belle responded, trying to remember where she recognised the blonde from. "I'm Alex, Ben's sister" she introduced, "he never told me you were going to be here."

Belle let out a small gasp, " I didn't know you were going to be here either, it's so nice to meet you though!" the two blondes pulled each other into a small embrace.

Alex sat in the seat beside Belle and spoke with her and Flossie for a while before insisting they come sit closer to her and Ben's mum. Arabella was quite hesitant at first, as anyone would be meeting the mother of the boy she was seeing, but she of course agreed.

Alex introduced the pair to the older lady and a smile instantly broke out on her face, " Arabella! We've heard so much about you, I've been begging Ben to introduce us," she cooed, " you are so pretty by the way, my boy is most definitely punching with a girl like you," she joked making all three younger girls laugh.

Not long after they all became acquainted the players walked out onto the pitch. All four women were on the edge of their seats the entire game and after Havertz goal in the 42nd minute they were all screaming and hugging as if they'd known each other for years.

By full time they started to get ready to go down and see the players who had already started celebrations. Arabella hadn't stopped smiling the entire time and she couldn't keep her eyes off of number 21.

After the celebration ceremony, the players loved ones were allowed onto the pitch and Belle of course took a beeline to Ben. Once she caught his eye he ran straight over to her, lifting her off the ground by her waist and holding onto her tightly.

"words can't describe how proud of you I am" she whispered to him as she cupped his face. His mum and sister also came over and congratulated him, "congratulations on finding such a lovely girl as well son" his mother chuckled pulling both Ben and Belle into her sides and kissing both their cheeks.

Arabella felt like she was on cloud nine, she couldn't think of anything better than how she felt right now. Her and Flossie stood with everyone jumping around in excitement on the pitch before she felt someone take hold of her hand and pull her aside.

"you having a good time?" Ben smiled to her, still holding her hand. "yea of course, can't wait for the after party either" Belle grinned back.

"good to hear, can i ask you a question?" Ben queried with a slightly anxious look on his face but she reassuringly nodded back to him.

"I hope this isn't too soon but the buzz from tonight is telling me this is the right time to ask. Will you be my girlfriend, Arabella?"

The girl couldn't even respond, she just let out a slight gasp and vigorously nodded back. Ben let out a little laugh before pulling her into another tight hug and placing a soft kiss on his new girlfriend's forehead.

⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐌⋆·˚ ༘ *


liked by alexchilwell and othersarabellacarter proud 💙view all 95 commentsbenchilwell my biggest supporter 💙↳arabellacarter always xxmasonmount champions 🏆💙↳arabellacarter 💙arabellavspx she's wearing Ben's medal!!  my heart can't take this 🥺

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liked by alexchilwell and others
arabellacarter proud 💙
view all 95 comments
benchilwell my biggest supporter 💙
arabellacarter always xx
masonmount champions 🏆💙
arabellacarter 💙
arabellavspx she's wearing Ben's medal!!  my heart can't take this 🥺

⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒⋆·˚ ༘ *
they are official!! also thank you for over 1k reads hope you enjoyed this chapter <3
all votes are appreciated :)
- paisley xo

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