the sandlot part 2

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8 FROM BENNY'S PORCH Benny is the last to go in. He sees Scotty watching. So, he nods... just a little

THE BLOCK clears to empty. The street lamps arc on, drawing soft white circles on the sidewalks. FROM THIS HEIGHT, they look like baseballs dotting the neighborhood.

NARRATOR (CONT'D) Even before I knew any of them I envied that tree house...

Benny; wow

Lenny; who wouldn't

INT. BENNY'S ROOM - NIGHT A shrine to the pastime. Pennants, magazine pictures, game programs, baseball cards, a whole section of Maury Wills, radiating from a picture of Wills caught in a pickle.

NARRATOR ...later, it would become second only to Cape Canaveral as a command post for history. (BEAT) When I moved in that summer, I'd never played baseball, but it wasn't too tough figuring out who these guys' heroes were. So, after a week of watching... I figured baseball seemed like the best way to get in with them.

Everyone; woah

BENNY'S in bed, oiling his glove, staring out his window at Scotty's house. Taped to his footboard is the most important picture of all... a picture of The Babe.

*everyone looks at benny*

INT. SCOTTY'S ROOM - NIGHT Jr. Chemistry set. Heath Kit gadgets. An unbelievable Erector Set contraption with little motors and stuff. An autographed picture of Mr. Wizard. Scotty's pj'd at his erector set table, bothered and unhappy. This stuff is too damn easy for him. He whips on a last bolt and connects the itty-bitty motor. SWITCHES ON THE CONTRAPTION a tiny scoopelvator snatches up a white marble. Drops it on a roller coaster track. The marble whips around corners and 9 loop-da-loops... lands in a mini-catapult. Another motor draws it back via a winding string. Boy Scout camping-knife scissors ratchet in - snip the string - the catapult fires. THE MARBLE leaps a little green fence and WONK! Ouuuhhh! beans HIS MOTHER (HAVING JUST COME IN) right in the forehead.

*everyone winches*

BEDROOM Scotty winces at the shot.

SCOTTY Sorry, Mom.

MOM I thought we agreed we'd take this apart... and not spend so much time in here.

SCOTTY (FEELING LOW) I know - but it's just nighttime.

MOM Scotty, have you made any friends yet?


MOM Why not, honey?

SCOTTY 'Cause I'm still "new."

Smalls; *looks downJ

MOM Honey, I don't want you sitting in here all summer fiddling with this stuff, like you did last summer... and the one before that. (BEAT) Scotty, look at me. I know you're smart, and I'm proud of you. But you have to get outside, you have to... play.

Johnathen; she is right you do need to play *voice is concerned*

Rialey; yeah you dont need to go looney

Lenny; and since unlike us you dont have technology to distract you


Lenny; *winches* n not y you meant the kids in general of this generation

She sits across from him, trying to get through. 10

MOM (CONT'D) I want you to get out in the fresh air and make friends. Run around and scrape your knees. Get dirty. Climb trees and hop fences. Get in trouble for crying out loud. (BEAT) Not too much, but some. You have my permission. Now how many mothers do you think say that to their sons?

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