the sandlot 2 part 7

14 2 0

Some kind of mutated

bigfoot dog thing.

I'm retiring.

You're on your own.

Good luck, but you'll get

that back.

Um, here's your stuff.

[ ]

Nothing we had worked.

The Fear was, we thought, clearly

aided by some evil from beyond.

In words, we were out of ideas,

and I was dead meat.

Until Mac had an epiphany.

but this time it was important.

I take a ride. I need to think.

[ Girl ] Seventy-fiive for a ticket?

That's ridiculous.

Anna: *giggles* ridiculous utterly ridiculous

[ ]

That's it!

[ ]

We dig. All right. I'm goin' in.

But if I say pull me out,

you guys pull me out.

Don't worry. We got you here.

[ ] Don't worry, Mac.

We got it. Don't worry.

Pull me out!

- [ ] Sure.

- [ ] Don't worry, man.

Godspeed, Mac.

[ ]

Give me my bat.

Here you go.

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ Loud ]


Tunnel King, this is base.

What's happening?

- Over.

- [ On Walkie-talkie ]

[ ] Okay. I see it.

I'm evac.

You're what?

I'm up,

grab the hook and it.

- Oh. Yeah. Okay.

- Oh!

[ ]

What's that?

- [ Rock ]

- [ ]

Hey. I got it.

- I got it.

- Nice!

- [ Hook ]

- Oops.

- [ ]

- [ Loud ]

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