break 2

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Jess: so what did you guys think of the second movie?

Benny: interesting

Yeah yeah: not as good as the first

Jess: why cause you weren't in it?

Yeah yeah: well didn't find it as interesting

others nod

Jess: ok whatever cutie 

Yeah yeah: *smirks and kisses jess cheek* 

Jess: *smirks and pushes him away a bit* calm yourself love

Yeah yeah: maybe i will maybe i wont

Jess: OK Any questions so far?

Benny: uh yeah actually how far apart is the first from the second?

Jess: it is 10 years after the first one so you guys would be in college 

Benny: Oh ok that makes so much sense.

Jess: yeah any other questions?

they remain quiet 

Jess: ok go to the bathroom get food socialize i dont give a damn.

they do so and eventually are back in their seats

Jess: and now for the final movie Sandlot Heading Home 

Watching their movies (Sandlot edition)Where stories live. Discover now