the sandlot 2 part 5

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Some kind of mutated,

insane, dog thing.

But this much is certain.

Since the time of the kid,

nothing has gone over that fence.

But if ever did

and to go get it...

no one ever see them again.

They'd be dog chow...

for the Fear.

Jess: I love your story telling method Johnny

Johnny; thanks do you ever tell stories?

Jess: yeah I'm a established story teller and writer *winks at th fourth wall*

Johnny: woah! It is a honor to be in your presence

Sammy: *rolls eyes jealous*

Jess: I get that a lot *pecks Sammy's cheek as he blushes*

[ ]

[ All ]

[ ] Back then, fiireworks

were safe and sane.

but we knew that

that had to.

Those were by fiirecrackers,

not safe and sane fiireworks.

You didn't even have to have your parents

with you to buy them.

But the one thing

your said was...

''Don't all your money

on the Riot. ''

Two Riots, please.

I've been for two years.

Chores, bottles,

birthday money.

Here, help me with this.

Bucky, what in the hell are you do

with two Riots?

Celebrate the birth

of our country, of course.

Oh, and I'm to

turn into day.

It's time.

We play ball or what?

David, man, it's so hot out.

I'm not even to be here.

My mom said if I play ball

in this heat, I'll get fungus.

What to baseball

all day, day? All summer.

Come on, David. It's hot.

Hey, do you guys

wanna go swimming?

Jess: I could use that right around now.

- Oh, yeah.

- All right.

[ ] of it so hot

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