the sandlot 2 part 9

26 1 0

and we to get it back, and...

we knocked  your wall down.

- You're joking?

- No, sir.

Ten ago- of'62, I believe-

a of kids lost a baseball

in my backyard.

They everything

to get it back- all stuff-

because that ball was priceless.

They made a mess of my yard,

knocked down my fence...

and all they had to do was

come on the door, and

I have it for them.

- [ Mac ] Great, Smalls.!

You got me killed.!

- Way to go, Smalls.

Good job, Smalls.

But they were scared...

because of some crazy

neighborhood story...

about me a mean old man

that up dogs to eat kids.

You that nonsense?

*the sandlot 2 gang rubs their necks*

Jess: fucking idiots except you Sammy.

Sammy: *grins*

everyone else: hey!


what did you lose back here?

Well, um,just the of

the program.


That's somethin'.

Now, why didn't you just come on

the door? I have it for you.

Well, sir, uh-

Yeah. That me's

still around, isn't it?

- Kind of.

- Well, what are we do that?

So, you over

my sculpture, huh?


My wall. Took me years

to that work of art.

Yes, sir. But we'll fiix it.

We promise.

- You will, will ya?

- [ ] Yes, sir.

*everyone smiles*

[ Whimpers, ]

Oh, no! He's away again!

Leave him be. He's probably

going for a visit.

- You kids all live here?

- [ Both ] Yes, sir.

I tell you what.

I'll have all this junk

cleaned out of here...

if you come round...

and give Goliath

a walk a week.

I don't do that anymore,

and he doesn't get out much.

I wouldn't want him to turn mean

or anything, you know.

Jenny; wow

Yes, sir. We'll walk him for you.

And you play all long

so I can to the games.

It's been 1 0 was

a real good of on the sandlot.

Sammy: woah

Jess: yeah cause people suckkkkkk

*others chuckle*

sammy: wow


Word count: 326

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