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Jess: well guys we watched all three movies

Yeah yeah: does this mean we have to leave?

Jess: sadly yes.

Ryan: but why?

Jess: you guys have your own world to get back to and we have our lives to go back to

Sammy: *signs* but will we ever see you guys again

Jess: actually you might Sammy just give it a bit ok?

*The boys nod* 

Jess: Imma open the portal you guys just go home you won't remember what happened until after the events take place.

Squints: Oh wow 

Jess: yeah i'm sorry boys ok this is for the first group of guys necklace of power take me to the sandlot.

*a blue and white portal opens* 

*repeat hugs strawberry* 

Strawberry: Remember what we talked about repeat you aint your brother. 

Repeat: I will thanks strawberry 

Rialey: Ham remember no more sexist remarks after this 

Ham: I know rialey thanks for helping me 

Jackson: Two ton remember love no kicking tommy even if he pisses you off

Two ton: I know babe i know 

Jackson: besides its jess's job to kick people there.

Jess: Screw you Jackson!

Jackson: Nah im gay

Lenny: DP love remember that just cause your short doesnt mean you cant accomplish anything jess is short but she gets far in life.

Dp: thanks


Noa: *Clinging to scotty* 

Scotty: Youll be ok noa ill see you again don't worry about a thing cutie. 

Ellie: Jenny don't let macs dumb comment get to you

Jenny: Ok i wont

Alden: Tommy love dont be such a ass to everyone they dont know the future you did.

Tommy: ill try to tone it down

Anna: Penny just be you cutie!

Penny: i will

Jess: Yeah yeah i love you but be patient with scotty you werent 

Yeah yeah: yeah yeah i will now 

Jess: Sammy just behave please

Sammy: *signs yes maam*

Jess: Ryan i love you keep scaring them they need it

Ryan: On it!

Jess: Now Sandlot 1 boys get the fuck outta my theatre

*they go through the portal*

Jess: Ok Necklace of power take me to the sandlot 2 

*a dusty red and silver portal opens*

Jess: Sandlot 2 get the fuck outta my theatre

*they go through as it closes behind them*

Jess: *hugs each of the sandlot 3 boys  minus ej* behave guys

The boys: We will jess

Wings: And jess dont let anything bad happen to you please your a great friend

Jess: thanks wings Necklace of power take me to the sandlot heading home 

*a red and yellow portal opens*

Jess: ill miss you guys the most 

Timber: We'll miss you too jess. 

*They go through* 

*the portal closes*

Jess: I miss them already......

TO BE CONTINUED.......................................................................

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