the sandlot heading home part 2

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a situation, do we? Huh?

- [Boys] No.

- Good. What's your name, kid?

Who you kid, tubs?

Is that any way to talk

to an of the law?

- Where's my P.D. A?

- Your what?

- My blackberry?

- Hey, that's mine.

And it's not blackberry.

It's strawberry-banana.

- Are you serious? I love strawberry.

Strawberry; so do i but then again someone from here already has my heart *holds repeat hand*

Repeat: *smiles and pecks her cheek as she smiles* 

- Hey!

He's that new kid

who just onto Road.

What are you about?

I live in Hills.

And what's up with this "kid" crap?

Which one of you my phone?

I call my agent.

Don't even autographs.

[Boy] Why we want

your autograph, loser?

Tommy: wow i seemed like a jerk and i apologize for how i acted


What's goin' on?

Yeah. We got a situation.

- % % [Woman Lullaby]

- [Moans]

% % [humming]

Where am I?

You're home, sweetheart.

No, I can't be.

I must be dreaming.

Just relax.

You'll feel in the morning.


- It's good to see you again.

- [Chuckles]

- Honey.

- I've you so much.

Oh, honey. I'm here.

% % [humming]

- I like this dream.

- Shh.

[Tommy Screams]

Everyone: woah

- Well, there, sleepyhead.

- Wh-Where am I?

You're home, sweetheart.

No, no, no.

Something's very wrong.

Mom? Am I dead?

Why you ask

such a thing?

Because I'm my P.J.'s

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