the sandlot part 3

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SCOTTY walks away... crying. SCOTTY (TO HIMSELF) My life is over. BENNY is the only one that isn't laughing.

Johnathen; im with benny on this you guys could of been nicer

Strawberry; agreed

Jess: yeah

He stares the others down.

DENUNEZ Come on, Benny-man, didn't you see that throw? He imitates it, "flipping" his glove to Ham. The gang BUSTS UP again.

HAM (TRULY STUNNED) That kid's got the gaw'damn panty- waistiest arm I ever saw in my whole life.

Strawberry and anna: *glares at ham*

Jess: your dead dude

SQUINTS I seen a guy once that threw like that. I mean not that bad, but at least so bad that he hadda move in the fourth grade 'cause they nicknamed him "Bloomers."

Everyone; *face palms*

Benny's look stifles the bunch.

BENNY I bet not one of you knows how The Babe got his nickname.

HAM Easy, 'cause of the way he looked like a little kid face.

BERTRAM Bull, it's just 'cause he liked kids and stuff.

SQUINTS Wrong. The Babe was called The Babe, because he was like the child of Yankee Stadium.

Rialey; i dont think those are it

17 BENNY I knew it. You're all full of crap. George Herman Ruth got his nickname because his mom died when he was just a little kid, and he hadda go live in an orphanage.

Silence. None of the other guys has heard this before.

BENNY (CONT'D) Nobody liked him there. The bigger guys picked on him all the time. And when they messed with him he couldn't fight back, 'cause he was just... like scared. So when they messed with him, he cried about it. (BEAT) He cried... so they called him The Babe.

This hits home real good.

BENNY (CONT'D) How ya think that kid just felt?

Yeah yeah; your right benny

Benny; *smiles*

Jess: that's better yeah yeah.

Yeah yeah: *blushes*

Benny exits the sandlot, leaving the others with a lesson learned.

NARRATOR Everyone knew Benny was different. Nobody ever voted or anything, but he was the leader.

Sandlot gang; yep

EXT. THE BLOCK - DUSK As Benny goes into his house, the other's round the corner far behind him.

THE MOON is up. Full. Like a big baseball.

NARRATOR Even though he seemed like a regular guy, he wasn't. Benny was special, and he was loyal. (BEAT) When they'd all tried out for youth league, they'd all made it. But when they found out they'd have to play on different teams, Benny told 'em that if they couldn't play together, they shouldn't play at all. So, they stayed together.

Lenny; damm

18 EXT./INT. BENNY'S ROOM - NIGHT Benny's at the window, clutching a baseball, staring over at Scotty's house.

NARRATOR So, the only person that ever felt sorry for me 'cause I was such a weenie was Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez. (BEAT) Even though neither of us knew it at the time, we were connected. Like I had been born for just that one moment, when I would perform the world's all- time boner, and Benny would bail me out. (BEAT) Connected as friends... born to meet for just that one moment.

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