the Sandlot heading home part 10

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- What do you want?

- I want to win.

Yeah, so do we.

- Get lost, Tommy.

- Yeah, vamoose. We don't need you.

Look, I made a mistake.

- I'm sorry.

- What are you saying?

I made a deal to play for Needman's team,

because I it was my destiny.

This isn't the part where

you go off the Dodgers...

the Hall of Fame and your

smoking-hot girlfriends, is it?

No. This is the part I throw

that all away to do what's right.

Play ball with my friends.

- What did I say?

- That is, if you'll have me.

Look, I lose

a game with my real team...

than win one

for all the reasons.

You made a bad mistake.

We're not lose.

Take off that uniform

and get to bat.

Thanks, Tommy.

Son, you had me there.


What are you doing? Now, that is not

the to make there, boy.

Hey, Earl.

I won't be this anymore.

- [Man] Whoa!

- [Cheering]

Hey, good thing

I didn't this away.

- to have you back, Tommy.

- [All] Yeah!

Son, you can kiss St. good-bye.

Yeah, and that's not the half of it.

- We're play ball or what?

- [All] Yeah!

Let's play ball.

All right.

Let's go!


Nice hit, Tommy.

% % [Man Country]

- % % [Continues]

- Oh, get it! Get it!


Yeah, I got it!

This way! No, that way! No...

- What are you doing?

- He's out of there!


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