the sandlot heading home part 7

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- [D.P.] Tommy, wake up.

Tommy, you're miss

the of a lifetime.

Come on. Open it.

We're to get

that you about.

- In the of the night? What's open?

- Old Man Mertle's house.

- [Q] Yeah.

- It like and entering.

- The is abandoned.

- for the treasure.

You want to stay

on the side of the law.

- [Imitating Chickens]

- Told you he wouldn't go.

Come on. Let boy here

get his sleep.

Go now, Tommy. You're not gonna

get a at this.

Hold on. I'll come.

- [Thunder]

- [Two Ton] Can tell me...

why we didn't go over the back fence?

[Wok] your fat butt

over get real stinky.

[D.P.] So I that Mr. Mertle

was once a player...

until he went hit

with a in the head.

Legend has it that he has a stash

of old stuff.


So what ever to Mr. Mertle?

Some say he just died.

Others say he up and vanished.

- Hit in the head with a baseball?

- Vanished?


- [Two Ton] Guys, I just saw move.

- Guys, it's just a house.

- If we're to do this, let's do it.

- What the ghost?

[D.P.] All right. Come on. Let's go.

All right. Move! Move! Move!

- [All] Shut up, D. P!

- All right, move your butts.

- [Wok] Hey, it out.

- [Roll] Hercules?

Who dog Hercules?

It was just some

Chihuahua or something.

You know how name dog

just the of what they are.


- That must have been a Chihuahua, man.

- % % [Whistles]

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