the sandlot 2 part 3

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Oh. Well, here's the deal.

We give.

- Really?

- Yeah, but you got to be on our team.

- Really?

- Yeah. We need more

guys, er, players.

Jess: that's right correct yourself bitch

Anna strawberry jenny: yeah

Johnathen: *chuckles with the others*

- We got a big game up soon.

- Deal.

- [spits ]

- That is so disgusting.

Oh, sorry.

- Sammy said they are great.

- [ ] thank you.

- Can he have the recipe?

- Sure, I'll it down for you.

- The dugout's very done.

- Thanks.

- Saul.

- What?

- Shut up.

- is my color.

- Mine too.

- Ow! What?

- Is this squeezed?

- Yes. Thank you for noticing.

- Mac.

- What?

Shut it.

Anyway, this is Jenny

and this is Penny, and I'm-

[ Together]

Hayley Goodfairer. We know.

Jess: that was rude! *Hugs Hayley*

Hayley: *hugs back* I know right.

*they rub their necks and apologize*

This is Tarqell, Mac...

- [ ]

- Saul and his brother Sammy

We call him Fingers. He's deaf.

-Just look at him when you talk to him.

He can read lips.

Jess: and he's hot!

Sammy: *grins*

Yeah yeah: am I not?!

Jess: you are too calm down.

Johnathen: *shakes head*

Phillips; surprised your boyfriend ain't jealous jess

Jess: Shut the fuck up!

- Okay.


Let's turkeys.


[ Boy ]

Come on. Get a hit.

Look, guys. It's the retards.

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