the sandlot part 8

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67 EXT. SCOTTY'S HOUSE - DAY Scotty's cod belly white and jelly fish limp, from a long bout of the chuckies. Bill tosses his luggage in the car trunk. Scotty's mom leans out the driver's window. MOM I'll be back in an hour, Scotty, I'm taking Dad to the airport. SCOTTY (STILL WOOZY) 'Kay. Where you goin'? BILL Chicago, on business for a week. Listen, Scott, while I'm gone, you're the man of the house. Understand? SCOTTY Yeah, I guess so. BILL We'll take another stab at catch when I get back, okay? So, take care of things while I'm gone. I'm counting on you. He offers his hand to Scotty. They shake. SCOTTY (PERKING UP) Okay. I will.

Benny: damm

EXT. FIVE & DIME - DAY The gang comes out with a new boxed baseball. Each has a pack of Topps. A bag of Bazooka. NARRATOR Once we got over trying to be big shots, we just stuck to what we could handle, and swore off the hard stuff forever. When we finally got back together for some baseball, something amazing happened. (BEAT) It was an omen... one that was meant just for Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez.

Jackson; an omen?

Jess: it's basically either means something good or bad will happen.

Jackson: oh wow

68 EXT. THE SANDLOT - DAY They tear open their packs of baseball cards. First things first - they eat the gum sticks. Then, shuffle through the cards looking for gold. SQUINTS Whad'ya get, Ham? HAM A Mickey Mantle and 7 guys I never heard of. How 'bout you? SQUINTS A Brooks Robinson and a Koufax. Pretty good. BERTRAM I got junk. DENUNEZ One Drysdale, a bunch a duds. YEAH-YEAH Yeah-yeah, me too. Four bombs, but one Whitey Ford. SQUINTS Benny, whad - The guys notice BENNY staring down at the cards in his hands. He slowly shuffles them top to bottom... top to bottom. THE GANG moves over, concerned.

*the sandlot Gang frown*

HAM Hey, Benny, whatsa matter? BERTRAM You okay, man? Benny slowly raises his eyes. Slowly holds the cards out to Squints, who takes them cautiously. Squints shuffles them forwards and backwards. He passes the eight cards amongst them all. SQUINTS Oh, my God... 69 TIMMY Imfuckingpossible. (ALTERNATE LINE, same BELOW) Unstinkinbelievable! REPEAT Imfuckingpossible. Don't tell mom I said that tim. TIMMY I won't. HAM This can't happen... can it? BERTRAM It just did. YEAH-YEAH Yeah-yeah, it's an omen. Squints hands the cards back to the Benny, who takes home plate alone. EIGHT IDENTICAL MAURY WILLS CARDS THE GANG can only stare at him. Suddenly, Squints clutches his ear PLUG: SQUINTS Oh geez... Oh geez. I - I don't believe it. Maury Wills just stole 80 bases! The guys are boggled. BENNY picks up a bat. BENNY We gotta play. I gotta play right now, guys. Right now. THE GANG obeys. They hurry into the field. As they go: SCOTTY What's it mean? 70 SQUINTS It's a miracle, Smalls. A damn miracle.

Johnathen: uh....

Jess: don't ask

Johnathen; ok than

NARRATOR We all expected something to happen right then... during that game. What we had just witnessed was bordering on the supernatural... we knew that greater hands than ours were at work. (BEAT) And it happened alright. (BEAT) It happened right in front of our noses... and we didn't even know it. DENUNEZ delivers. CRACK! Magic dust EXPLODES from Benny's bat. The red lacing BURSTS! THE BASEBALL dermis flays. The string-wound innards fly into YEAH-YEAH'S GLOVE in left field. The cowhide "figure 8's" lay there in THE INFIELD like huge swatted moths. The guys gather 'round. BERTRAM Bitchin'. BENNY Naw, it ain't. SQUINTS C'mon, Benny, maybe two, three guys in history have ever busted the guts out of a ball. That's what the omen was. GANG Truly. Sure. Absolutely. Yeah-yeah, Benny. It must be so. BENNY All's it means is that we can't play no more. It's only noon, and I just blew the whole day for us.

Benny; *nods*

71 DENUNEZ No, you didn't. It's the most amazing thing I ever seen. BENNY Anybody got any money? (NO ANSWER) Then it ain't okay, 'cause now we can't play no more. SCOTTY Yeah, we can. BENNY What, you got 98 extra cents just layin' around at home, Smalls? SCOTTY No, but I got a ball. CUT TO: INT. BILL'S DEN - DAY A BASEBALL on a silver pedestal (Bill's baseball). Scotty's HAND ENTERS FRAME. His indecisive FINGERS almost touch the ball... then, SNATCH!

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