the sandlot 2 part 10

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And I miss 'em.

And, uh, no more fences.

I'm of kids I'm grouchy.


- [ ]

- [ ] Where'd he go?

You him,Johnnie.

I'm not that dog

all over town.

- [ ] He's not away.

- What's he sittin' for?

- What's he doin'?

*chuckles are heard*

- [Jenny And ] We knew it.

[ ]

- I don't get it.

- What are they doing?

Boys. I swear.

He's in love.

[ ]

That's his dog.

That's why he's

always to get out. To her.

Oh, yeah. We knew that.

Yeah, of course. We knew.

[ Saul ] Hey, is hungry?

Let's go get some pizza.


- Thanks.

- Um, you're welcome.

*everyone watches*

Oh, so you can talk.

Um, yeah.

that love all-

even your fear.

Mr. out

I his rocket.

But it didn't his blueprints

were America's in space...

not the of the shuttle.

Goliath and Tiny had puppies.

Hayley,Jenny and Penny

each got one for own.

Mr. kept two of them.

The made with his

inner demons. His to Australia...

and he grew up to be the host of a popular

Animal show.

Anna: ooh


You wouldn't know about

a kid in this neighborhood...

goes stealing

dog tags, you?

No, sir.

[ ] Oh, I I hear

my mom me.


[ ]

[ ] I kept in

touch with most over

the years, and I out...

that Mac the army

after high school.

He got in the Gulf War, won a

Purple the Corps.

Fingers and his Saul

started a label...

for a new kind of music

called hip-hop.

They company

Deaf jam Records.

Penny and did

anything more remarkable...

than the most on earth.

They both kids and happily

ever with families.

With the he made

in the business...

Fingers the most successful

gum on earth.

You know it as

Kissing Gum.

Tarqell- Well-

Tarqell was by aliens

on 2 1, 1 986...

and no one ever saw him again.

Hayley a supermodel...

and a for the States

Olympic team.

She won two gold medals.

After Goliath,

he got a nickname.

From then on he was known

as ''Rocket''Durango.

Hayley and went all the way through

high together.

After that,

they went ways.

Ten college, they met again.

At that meeting,

just like the time...

he had ever had a chance

to talk to her in school...

David was so he couldn't speak.

So she for him, and she said...

''You're to say,

'Will you me?'''

And he did.

Oh, I forgot.

I grew up and went to work...

for Laboratories.

Hey. rockets  are still   my life.

Everyone; *cheers and claps*

Jess: finally


Word count: 423

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