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The last week of September flew by faster than expected. Rose had to go through multiple homework and she felt like she was about to lose her mind.

She was little still a little puzzled from her last interaction with Regulus, but he seemed unbothered by it. They had classes together and only spoke in Potions and otherwise, she felt like he was ready to leave her alone.

But it was way worse that way since his words were slowly driving her mad. Talking to Amber or any of the boys was out of the question since they would surely try to find out who she was complaining about so the next best thing was Lily Evans who she caught up with on Thursday afternoon.

The redhead was wearing her Gryffindor scarf and her hair was all over the place so Rose had an idea of where she was coming from. She scratched her teeth and ran after Lily, catching up with her.

"Hey, Lily, I'm sorry to bother you," she breathed out, stopping in front of the redhead.

Her cheeks were bright red and she wore a bright smile despite everything.

"Not a worry, Rose, now tell me, what's going on?"

They walked to a window sill, sitting down. Rain was running down the glass yet again; it looked like October wasn't going to forgive them either.

"Well...it's about a boy who kind of gets on my nerves."

"Look if it's about your brother I don't want to hear-" Lily started but the brunette cut her off.

"What my brother does is his business only, I'd never pursue a girl on his behalf only because he can't set his priorities straight and do it normally for once."

Lily nodded. "Fair enough, I'm sorry that I thought it, these days he's more here than ever."

The redhead blushed and Rose's jaw almost fell but she decided to act normally. "It's okay, Lils, and I'm sorry about him, James doesn't know how to stop being an idiot. Now, so I feel like I'm in a similar situation."

"Does he ask you out at every chance he gets?"

"No, he's more like, confusing the heck out of me and I can't seem to understand his intentions. We're supposed to hate each other."

Lily smiled softly and put a hand on the brunette's shoulder. "Look, Rose, you two are probably confused about everything, give it some time, see how he acts around you. Besides, the line between hate and love can be quite thin sometimes."

Rose's eyes went wide, she internally cursed herself. Lily's clock said that she was late to her meeting with Regulus, but it wasn't only that that got on her nerves.

The brunette quickly got up and patted Lily's head. "Thank you so much, great advice, you might decide to follow it sometimes too."

And with that she sprinted down the corridor, leaving Lily behind, wearing a terrified expression.


Since it was a Thursday afternoon the library was kind of packed so Rose ran to the only place she thought she could find Regulus, the one where he caught her studying for Herbology and where they've sat ever since.

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