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Wind and rain carried them through October and everything was kind of normal, except of the multiple deaths that had been taking place. Multiple witches and wizards had been announced dead or missing, causing a dark mood to settle over the castle.

Even if Rose didn't knew most of them, her heart was hurting for all those students who had been swept to their Head of House's office before they could see the newspapers and hear the bad news from an adult.

She was grateful her mom and dad wrote 3 times a week, letting her and James know that they were fine and no Dark Lord had visited them.

It seemed like bad taste to go to a Halloween party but Amber had been so insistent that the Potter girl had decided she would tag along.

"Alright then, but if I don't like it I'm coming straight back to the Gryffindor tower," Rose announced, closing her book with a thud.

Amber clapped happily and even Snow let out a pleased meow.

James, however, wasn't that happy to hear the news.

"Come on, Prongs, you're just being overprotective," Sirius said, sprawled on the sofa with his arm around Remus' shoulders.

"You know that there are gonna be boys there, right Padfoot?" James hissed; he looked like he was ready to hurt someone.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Let the girl go for Merlin's sake and stop being brats."

The redhead was a new and nice addition to their little group. Rose really liked her and the two started talking even more, having study afternoons with Lily's friends and Amber in the library or just late night chats.

And just like that, as most of their classmates prepared for the Halloween feast that was going to take place that night, the girls were dressing up for the party. It would take place in the Ravenclaw common room for some reason, another surprise since they weren't normally the ones to host any parties.

Rose clasped her rose earrings on, checking herself for any last minute touches. Her hair was gelled back and there was smoky black eyeshadow all over her eyes, white powder all over her face and contoured cheeks. She chose a black dress that was hugging her body well and black combat boots.

"And what are you supposed to be?" Amber asked from the doorframe, dressed up as none other than the devil with her bright red dress and hair styled to look like horns.

"A hot ghost?" the Potter girl shrugged, smudging her black lipstick a little.

"Well in that case I love the modern look. We better hurry before James sees you and flips out like the protective asshole he is."

The girl hurried through the halls of Hogwarts, meeting only Ravenclaw students that were going to the feast on their way.

Apparently, the person who got them inside was actually the boy that Amber went on a date with on the Hogsmeade trip. He was a tall dude with sand colored hair and bright green eyes. Dimples showed as he smiled at the blonde, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"This your friend?" he yelled as they made their way through the crowd of students. There were so many people there already that Rose thought she would lose sight of Amber, but the blonde kept a firm grip on her hand and seated her on an armchair as soon as they found one.

"Yes! Rose Potter and he's Tyler Stones."

Rose nodded, getting a drink for herself and getting her wand out, testing it out for any bad substances.

Amber dragged Tyler away, telling him that her best friend was just being cautious of any snakes trying to do evil. And there were quite a lot of Slytherins present. She chose to make that judgmental face that would scare people away and just scan the crowd, looking for anyone familiar to go and converse with.

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