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The beginning of a new term brought with it a lot of homework and more responsibilities.

January was not treating them kindly either; there were massive snow storms and the wind was being as harsh as it could.

They had been back at Hogwarts for what felt like forever and Rose didn't seem to find any opportunity to have some time alone with Regulus.

There were glances in class and meaningless conversations in potions and sometimes they would run into each other in the library, but they couldn't talk when they were surrounded by people.

She was so worried. Rose totally forgot about the thing that happened to Regulus over break because she had been stuck up with her family. The bad feeling in the pit of her stomach wasn't helping either and every day her heart grew heavier, worry blinding her.

Regulus felt defeated. He too couldn't find a way to get to Rose and he had no idea how would she actually react when he showed her. Words are not easy to believe sometimes and actions scared most people. He was ready for her rejection and being ratted out to Dumbledore; he just wanted the pain to stop.

"Rose Euphemia Potter," Amber snapped her fingers in front of the brunette's eyes. She shook her head, returning to her reality.

"I'm sorry, Amber," she muttered, massaging her temples. Maybe she was going mad, maybe not, but she was desperate. She wanted to see Regulus.

"You're distracted," the blonde noticed, putting down her quill. Snow had jumped from her lap, tail held high and she disappeared up to the girl's dormitories.

"I think I need a walk," Rose announced, rising from her seat, making all her books return to her bag with a move of her wand.

"It's almost curfew."

"I'll be back before anyone can stick their nose in my business and give me detention."

Her best friend smiled. "Are we still staying up late tonight?"

The youngest Potter nodded; she loved late night Fridays with Amber.

They both went on their separate ways, the blonde to their dorm and Rose out of the Gryffindor common room. She was grateful for her wool jumper since the corridors were giving her chills.

It was quiet, most of the students already in their dorms due to the curfew. She would sometimes sneak around prefects, trying not to encounter any of them. She internally cursed herself remembering that James and Lily were on patrol that night.

The moon taunted her and she remembered that the day after the next Remus would have to suffer through another full moon.

Rose arrived to her indirect destination, the seventh floor. She walked three times in front of the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, a little trick that her brother had taught her about in 4th year. She wanted a quiet place where she could relax and think and the room gave her exactly that.

The normal door that appeared was opened easily and it disappeared behind her as she took in the view; it was like a little common room but everything was either white or light blue.

The youngest Potter gasped when she realized she wasn't alone.

He was wearing all black, something he did so often that Rose got used to it.

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