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The news were a lot to take in, Regulus being a Death Eater was the worst that could happen, but even if there was no going back and stripping off the bloody mark, he wanted to change something, he wanted to change.

Rose saw another side of him, a side she thought no one would ever get to see but he let her in and trusted her and everything he had; she chose to do the same.

They would sneak out, a lot, to whatever places they could find. The Room of Requirement was the most frequented place since no one could find them there; then they would spend some of their afternoons in the library when both had a free schedule and Rose's friends wouldn't intervene.

It was like a game where they would be hiding and seeking for answers, how to defy Voldemort and how to keep each other a secret.

Rose didn't mind hiding Regulus, but she knew it was unfair on her best friend Amber who would always tell her everything while the Black was her forbidden adventure; Sirius would be angry if he found out about them.

And so days turned into weeks and January left them, February making an appearance with wind that felt like ice on their skin and rain instead of snow storms. The corridors were still chilly and gave no sign of getting any warmer.

The sixth years had also began taking apparition lessons each weekend, the Great Hall being the only place they could apparate in.

"I can't wait for tomorrow's lesson!" Amber exclaimed, having already been done with the day while Rose had her last class in only ten minutes.

The blonde was one of the few people that in the four weeks they were back from Hogwarts managed any kind of apparition while Rose tried and failed each time; she thought it was because of the fact she would Regulus would always distract each other during those courses.

"I still have potions while you can go and relax," Rose muttered, searching in her back to make sure her essay was there; she would've been screwed if she couldn't hand it to Slughorn.

"James wants us to go train in half an hour so my afternoon is not free either. I also think I should go, takes a little until I get the equipment on," the blonde said, giving the Potter a side hug and hurrying off in the direction of the great oak doors while Rose took a turn towards the dungeons.

Starting with their second term, all those who chose potions for their last two years at Hogwarts could take an extra class on Fridays, which was a good thing since Rose wanted to follow her father in his steps and create a potion that could help werewolves with their transformation while also trying for becoming an auror. She knew someone was already working on the potion, but she wanted to contact them and help.

Remus was one of the most important people in her life and she wanted to do something for him that didn't involve becoming an animagus.

Rose pushed the door to the classroom open and luckily there was no sign of Slughorn; she caught a sniff of the potion that sat on the professor's desk and she was enveloped in the smell of fresh grapes, roses and some cologne.

She furrowed her brows, put her essay on the pile that was on the desk and made her way to her seat, plopping in next to Regulus; he looked as confused as she felt.

And then Rose remembered when and where she caught the scent of the same cologne.

"You've used too much of your cologne today, Black, this class stinks of it," Rose observed, leaning back in her chair.

Regulus raised a brow at her. "I haven't used any today, are you drunk? Besides, your perfume is the one that's all over this class."

Her eyes went wide. "But I haven't-"

She was cut off by the arrival of professor Slughorn. With a move of his wand all of the essays disappeared from his desk, probably somewhere in his office.

"Potions last thing on a Friday, eh? I bet all of you are tired enough so I've come up with a fun idea today."

With another move of his wand, the cauldron full with potion travelled from desk to desk, storing itself in little vials that were given to each of the students. Rose carefully brought the vial at eye level, gasping when she realized what the pink liquid actually was.

"Now, did anyone manage to identify this potion?" Slughorn asked, making an O face when both Rose and Regulus raised their arms at the same time. "Miss Potter?"

She cleared her throat, blushing slightly. "This is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion that there is."

Next to her Regulus also turned kind of pink.

"Ten points to Gryffindor. Yes, Miss Potter, it indeed is. Amortentia doesn't really create love, of course. It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. No, this will simply cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. It's probably one of the most dangerous potion if it gets in the wrong hands."

Rose suddenly felt funny, like butterflies were throwing a party in her stomach. She looked at Regulus with the corner of her eye; he was looking exactly how she felt. He didn't wear his cologne and she didn't wear her perfume which meant they smelled each other in the amortentia.

"Now, here comes the fun part. You each got one of the vials not to used it on someone else, but to create an antidote for it. Page 65 will help you if you're in doubt. Chop, chop, get to work!"

Rose opened her book as Regulus was already looking for ingredients; they both were still pink, trying to avoid each other's eye. It was a funny situation, but it left the brunette in thought as she turned on the fire under her cauldron and poured the vial of liquid love in there.


Amber fully apparated in her middle hoops and Rose clapped for her as she watched. The blonde had a glint in her eyes as she looked around the room, catching the eye of her friend/boyfriend; Rose had no idea anymore.

"Come on, Rose, your turn!" she exclaimed, getting ready to watch her best friend do the same as she did.

"I don't know, Berry, it just doesn't work," Rose sighed, repositioning her hoops.

"Are you focusing enough?"

In that moment, Rose caught Regulus staring at her. They hadn't met up the day before because of what happened in potions. She smiled awkwardly, averting her eyes as she turned an impressive shade of pink.

"I don't think so."

"Come on, Rosie! Just think about all the places we'll be able to go once we turn 17! We can go to France and finally see Paris!" Amber tried cheering her up.

The brunette nodded, looking at the middle of her hoop like she was trying to melt a hole through the floor. She remembered every D and what she had to do.

Rose spun in place and — she landed perfectly in the middle of her hoop.

Amber almost got points taken from McGonagall as she started cheering loudly, making lots of heads turn towards them.

"Sorry, professor, I won't do it again," Amber muttered, her cheeks pink. McGonagall walked away from the two and the blonde started jumping from excitement. "See? I knew you could do it!"

Rose smiled brightly. "Thank you, Amber."

She locked eyes with the boy once again and he wore a proud expression on his face, nodding his head slightly.

Damn you, Regulus Black.


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