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If Rose thought the next day would be less chaotic, she was wrong. It wasn't really a surprise to wake up late on the first day since neither her nor Amber were used to waking up early after a long summer spent sleeping in.

Luckily, all of their other room mates had left so the chaos of dressing and preparing for their classes had been witnessed only by them.

The girls had even missed breakfast so when they finally got to the Great Hall, they had been ushered away but an amused James.

"You two are late again, do you enjoy making Minnie's blood boil?" he grinned, handing them their timetables.

Rose scowled, snatching the paper for him. "It's not like you aren't late, you're also in for a big scolding."

"I'm not the one who has potions first class," he said in a sing song voice and started toward his first class.

The girls went pale and as they both looked at each other, they knew doom was about to fall upon them.

"We better run you fool before we get even more points taken from Gryffindor," Rose suggested and they both started running.

Since Amber sucked at potions and didn't chose the class for that year, Rose was left to run all the way to the cold dungeons, her steps echoing through the dark corridors. She was so distracted by her thoughts that she didn't realize she bumped into someone until she hit the floor.

Rose swore under her breath while she checked if her bottle of ink was broken, totally ignored what or who she bumped into. That became hard when a hand started moving in front of her face and her name had been called.

"What?" she snapped a little too loud and her voice echoed again through the corridor.

"I said you should be more careful, Potter, but it looks like you were too busy ignoring your surroundings to do so," his voice was the same as it had been the day before, cold and husky, the smirk even audible.

She rolled her eyes as she looked up to find Regulus Black dusting himself off, a book clutched tightly in his right arm.

"And why weren't you paying attention to your surroundings, Black? Too busy thinking about ways to be mean to everyone today?"

It was Black's turn to roll his eyes as he extended a hand for the Potter girl who was still on the floor, looking exasperated. "Come on now darling, I'm trying to help you out here."

"Don't call me darling," she scowled, but accepted his offer seeing how he was the one she bumped into.

Regulus shrugged as he helped her up. "Sounds pretty good to me."

The girl felt smoke coming out he ears; her insides were legit boiling from annoyance and she didn't check her surroundings. It was maybe unfortunate that they were right next to the potions classroom.

"Okay, Black, I see you love teasing me but you might just really want to consider not doing that and annoying someone else."

"But you're fun to mess with," he smirked.

"Is it because you can't stand my guts or because I have a short temper?" Rose didn't bother to lower her voice.

"You're exaggerating, Potter."

Blue | Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now