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Rose closed her trunk with a thud, looking at her dorm room once more. Most of the girls were already at breakfast before their leave for London; Amber had also went to talk a little with Tyler, returning just as her best friend finished packing.

"Ready, Rosie?" the blonde smiled, putting on a sweater over her top because it was still a little chilly in the morning.

The two levitated their trunks down to the common room on top of the Marauders' ones so they could come back and get them to the train a little later.

It was not their final time walking around Hogwarts, but it felt like the end on an era in a way, everything was changing.

James and the other's won't return with them next year, their era will end and Hogwarts would wait for their children to come and bring chaos to the corridors once again.

Some people from portraits waved to them and smiled warmly, feeling the change in the atmosphere as well.

The situation with Voldemort had certainly gotten worse so who knew how many students would liven up the castle in the years that came.

"Are you okay, Rose?" Amber asked as they walked inside the Great Hall, chatter filling it for the last time.

The brunette shrugged. "They're not coming back next year."

Her best friend smiled sadly. "I know, it's the end of an era."

"The end of the Marauders era," Remus, who had heard them as they walked to them, said.

All of them looked gloomy, looking around the Great Hall for the last time.

Even Dumbledore was present, smiling warmly at them. The graduation ceremony had been held the day before and it had been magical; the Gryffindors defied the white rule and all came dressed in dark red robes, making professor McGonagall roll her eyes and let them get away with it for once.

"We've been awake all night," James started, a sad glint into his eyes. "We've visited everything so we can remember Hogwarts, we couldn't get the map back from Filch tho."

Sirius put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure there will come some trouble makers that will steal it and use it wisely."

"I could've gifted it to Rose or even my children."

"There are high chances your children will be the trouble makers Sirius is talking about," Lily chuckled. James put an arm around her shoulders and gave her a forehead kiss.

"We'll make sure everyone will remember you," Amber announced, her eggs falling all over the place as she pointed with her fork at each of the guys.

"Does that mean detention is involved?" Rose raised a brow towards her.

"Maybe," the blonde said innocently.

Everyone laughed and the noise spread all around the Great Hall, multiple students shedding tears for their classmates that had graduated.

The laughter travelled all around the corridors, filling every room and crack and ears so that they could remember another generation that had passed in that castle for 7 years.

At the staff table, a tear rolled down Minerva's McGonagall cheek as she smiled in the direction of the trouble makers that had made her life chaos.

The Marauders, Lily Evans, the new couple Alice and Frank, Mary, Dorcas and Marlene and many others...she couldn't ever dare to forget them.

"What is it, Minerva?" Dumbledore asked. He felt the sadness within the souls of everyone and how much the things would change in the upcoming years.

"Who's gonna get detention as much as those four I wonder," she chuckled, another tear rolling down her cheek.

The headmaster smiled. "We'll just have to live and find out, won't we?"


She opened the bathroom door and let Regulus slip in. They had talked about meeting one last time before their ride home could end.

"Are you okay?" he asked, pulling her into his embrace.

Rose allowed herself to take in his cologne and grape scent once again, smiling against his chest.

"I'm just sad that we have only one year left at Hogwarts," she muttered, pulling away to look at him.

The two had watched how most of the 7th years released muggle fly lanterns that the Marauders had snuck in at the beginning of the year; it had been a beautiful sight and the cries of the students made everything even sadder.

Regulus put a strand of her honey brown hair behind her year. "I know, I wish we had even more time, now everything is going to go to shit."

The Potter laughed. "I feel like it already is."

He put both of his hands on her cheeks, pulling her close until their lips were touching and their sense of reality had disappeared.

It always felt like a dream when Regulus was kissing her, but dreams ended; she didn't want their to end tho.

She was crying now, tears streaming down her face as they pulled apart.

"Whatever happens over the Summer, promise me that when you come back, we will fight together for our future again," she whispered.

Regulus nodded, wiping away her tears. "I promise, love."

Rose raised her left pinky, making the Black furrow his brow.

"Let's make a pinky promise, it's something the muggles have, better than an Unbreakable Vow, no one dies here."

He chuckled, connecting her pinky with hers, their foreheads touching. "It's a pinky promise then."

They kissed again and again and minutes passed and they had to say goodbye.

The youngest Potter hurried back to her compartment that she was sharing with the Marauders, Lily, Amber and Tyler.

She knew her eyes were still red from crying, but that didn't matter at that point.

"Well look who's back!" Sirius started as Rose slipped in through the door. "We thought you drowned yourself in the toilet."

Remus hit him over the head, fixing him with a glare.

The place was a little crowded, but luckily she could sit next to Remus as Amber took a seat on Tyler's lap.

"No fucking allowed today, kids!" James announced who had his own redhead sitting on his lap; Lily sent him a glare.

"Great way to finish a school year, mate," Remus said, chuckling.

And as the train sped away through Scotland and back to England, the castle was silent and the people were weeping silently in their portraits.

Until we see you again and even after forever, you're still our students.


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