Chapter 6: Your So Short! 2

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Alex POV

'Alex? ALEX!'

I suddenly gasped and panting, a figure hugged me

"Oh my gosh i thought something was happening to you! What's wrong?" I looked at the person and it was mom. I was still panting and my mom is stroking my back up and down to calm me down.

I coughed and calmed down. "I'm okay mama I'm okay it's just.. a dream"

"A dream?" She looked at me.

"Yes, it was terrifying there but I'm okay now, sorry for scaring you" she smiled.

"Okay, well someone's here to see you though"

"Who?" I got up to bed and went downstairs. I looked at the woman and it was.. Charlotte.

"Hi Alex! You seem very tired" i came to hug Charlotte.

"Aww does Alex missed me?" She chuckled and hugged me back.

"It's been ages since i met you! dumbass" We laughed.

"Have you eaten Charlotte sweetheart?" My mom asked while coming downstairs.

"No i haven't i just had heavy dinner yesterday" she chuckled nervously.

"Well let's eat then you don't want your stomach to be broken"

"What does that even mean mom?" Me and Charlotte sat in the chairs.

"I honestly don't know" i looked at Charlotte for seconds and laughed our asses off.


Mom had made a great breakfast for the three of us. It was fried rice and omelettes which made me remind me again of our meetup.

"Hey Charlotte, why are you actually here?"

"To kick your ass?" She looked at me i laughed.

"No please tell me honestly" She shoved the spoon full with fried rice.

"I'm here to continue criminology ofcourse what else?"

"Honey don't talk with your mouth full"

"Sorry mom your cooking skills are just dapper though" mom chuckled.

"Thank you dear"

"By the way how's brother Charlie before you went here?"

"He's great with his career,- he actually  got a girlfriend"

"Whaaat?! Bro really?"

"Yeah! Hes got a girlfriend and she's really pretty I've met her 3 days ago!"

"He must be really lucky"

"Yeah she's really kind and giving, i wonder where he met her he's always home though" i chuckled

"Hey how long are you gonna stay here in Mexico?"

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