Chapter 18: Seven Minutes in Heaven

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Third Person POV

After the picnic that Alex planned out with Kalem, Nick, Alex and Karl went home and by suprise George was being a flustered mess, while them five in a circle and a bottle in the middle.

"Uhh, George are you okay?" Karl asked as he sat in the couch followed by Nick and Alex. "Oh hey lovebirds how was the date?" Kalem asked, smirking.

"It was nice - now why is George like that?" Poor George was covering his face with a red tint on his cheeks. "Ohh don't worry, i just teased him about Dream and Y/n, if who really he does love the most" Karl snickered and sat on the couch followed by Nick and Alex.

"Can we join?" Karl asked, Kal nodded and sat in the floor with them. Kalem spinned the bottle and it landed to Louie. "Okay Louie." "Oh no.." Louie mumbled as Jason laughed while some of them snickered. "What's the gayest thing you did?" Kalem smirked and all of them laughed.

"Ugh not this.. um the one time in Jason's room-" "okay forget about it just do the dare Louie" Jason shoved Louie jokingly and Louie rolled his eyes.

"What's your dare Kal?" "I dare you to shout 'I'm gay' outside" Kal snickered as Louie sighed and got up. "Wait your actually doing it?" Karl asked. "There's no backing up that's part of the rules" Keiya told Karl. Louie gulped and yelled. "I'M GAY!" Louie closed the door and laughed with all of them.

"Y-you actually did it HAHA" Kalem laughed her ass off. Louie shoved Kalem for fun as they calmed down. Karl spinned the bottle and it landed beside Kalem, pointing Alex.

"Wait am i part of the game?" Alex asked, "ofcourse you are dumbass" Karl said making Kalem grin. "Oh so what's the dare?" "I dare you to-" "i dare you to be in seven minutes in heaven with your loveboys" Kalem cutted off Nick, he grumbled as Alex flustered.

"Are you serious Kal?" Kalem glared at Alex, "Do you think I'm not?" Karl grabbed Alexs' and Nick's hands and dragged them to Karl's shared room with Nick and stopped his tracks when Karl faced the cabinet.

"Are you sure we'll fit there? I mean we could just lock ourselves in the room" Alex said, blushing. "Alex c'mon, let's just have some fun" Nick reassured as Alex sighed. Karl smiled and opened the cabinet door, it was suprisingly big inside though Alex was debating wether he would do it or not.

He was too flustered of what just happened, but there's no backing up.

Karl sat on the cabinet inside then Nick signed Alex to come inside, which he did then Nick sat and closed the cabinet doors.

"Not gonna lie it's pretty getting hot here.." Karl giggled. Nick placed his arms on Alexs' waist and sighed

"I think it is really getting hot in here" Nick smirked and tightened the grip of his arms clinging in Alex's waist, not hurting him though. Karl looked away and held Alex's hand

In other hand Alex sitting there, blushing and being flustered like crazy, he didn't know what to do after Nick said; "is this okay baby?"

Nick suddenly grabbed Alex's jaw (in a soft way) and kissed him passionately, the kiss didn't last long, but it meant alot to them.

"N-Nick-" "shhh it's fine don't tense up" Nick said in a dominant voice as Karl laid on Alex's chest. Alex didn't know what was happening



I yawned as us five waited for them to get out of the room, it's been six minutes and only 30 seconds left to be seven minutes. I was really hyped of them seeing getting out of the room and interrogate them of how's the experience

'14 seconds..13..12..11-' my thoughts were interrupted by a weird, loud bang from a certain room, Karl's room.

A little bit of whimpers were echoing in their room, us hearing some of it.

"..are they literally making out?" Keiya showed her disgust face as Jason laughed, "thanks to me they're making out" I said confidently, others laughing their asses off

" are we gonna continue the game?" Louie asked. "Well they're already making out so we should probably let them do their fun time" i smirked and dragged Keiya with me in my room


After Nick dragged Alex and Karl out of the closet he pinned Alex first in the door, good thing they locked it before Alex did his dare, Nick was losing patience and got naughty since the space inside the closet earlier was.. too close.

Nick kissed Alex's neck making him whimper a bit, while Karl was clinging in Nick's back. "Is this okay Alex?" Nick looked at the short man. "I feel like we're taking it too fast.. we don't know what we are so.." Alex trailed of as Nick nodded

"Your right, but it was fun, although you have to cover that bruise you got" Nick grinned, Alex blushed and hid it. Karl whined and tugged Nick's shirt, signing him to cuddle with him

"Alex do you want to cuddle with us" Nick said with a soft smile. Alex smiled and nodded, "Ofcourse why not?" Alex, Nick and Karl plopped in the bed with Nick playing with both of their hairs, and soon drifted to sleep



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