Chapter 10: "i'm bisexual poly, Kal"

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Alex POV

"..I'm bisexual poly, Kal."

I choked my own saliva and glad they didn't actually notice me.

"Aww don't worry Nick, i support you no matter what! Don't be ashamed on anything"

"I know but.. i noticed that i have feelings to my friends.."

My heart sinked on that words that Nick said. He has alot of friends but the only friends close to him is Karl, me, George and Dream. I keep thinking of Nick's situation and then i realized i was blushing.

"Who are they?" Kal asked.

"...Karl and Alex"


"Yes. Please help me Kal"

"On what?"

"Taking them out? Duh"

"Don't be sarcastic on things, take them outside tomorrow and don't be that obvious"

"Alright thanks Kal i knew i can count on you"

"Ofcourse I'm here no matter what"

That was the last thing i need to hear on their conversation. I went back again to my room and accidentally made a kind of slam noise when i came inside.

'Oh shoot.'


Nick POV

I heard a door slam. I looked at my back and thought.

'Was there someone evesdropping us?'

"Hey nick? Who was that?"

"I don't know.."

I panicked, thought someone heard our full conversation with Kal.

"Hey don't worry Nick, I'm sure they'll understand your situation.. if it was Karl or Alex, they'd tell you tomorrow although they need an explanation.."

I was in my deep thoughts. What if they rejected me? What if they don't like me back because of what they heard? No Nick. You got this.

"Hey Nick, what if you go back to sleep? I'll help you plan tomorrow.."

"What about you?"

"Oh, my friends are coming here"

"Oh alright. Night Kal"

"Goodnight" We waved our hands and i went back to my room and plopped in my bed.

'Guess I'll find out tomorrow.'

A short chapter but it's worth it :D

Nick has finally figured out his feelings for Karl and Alex, will he win their hearts? L M A O i doN't knOW

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