Chapter 8: "So, how'd you like it so far?"

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Alex POV

We had our caffeine and breakfast which made me woke up and fill up my system ofcourse. I like the dish in the plane it's just, it makes me wanna puke while eat it because the plane is just non-stop going up and down. Which made me more aware when i get home in my country. Now we're in at Kalem's car, silence filled inside.

"So, how'd you like it so far?" I looked at Kal as she looked at the mirror.

"It's very cool, i haven't seen where we're gonna stay so yeah" she chuckled.

"You'll see Quackity- i mean- Alex." I looked at Kalem.

'Crap. She knows me.'

"Uhh, so sorry about that guys-"

"-do you watch mcyt?" She went silent.

"..yeah i do- you know what scratch it. I watch you guys, when Nick told me about this whole meetup thing, i wanted to stay quiet about you four because your like famous" we nodded.

"And I'm also a small streamer i have about 100k followers too"


"So your not really a fangirl?" George asked

"Noo nonono I'm not.. well just resisted myself being hyper on meeting you so-" she laughed and so us.

"It was actually nice meeting you Kal, you seem like a good person" Karl said out of the blue.

"Oh thank you Ka-"

"-No karl if you want to know her better, just know that-"

"-NICK STOP" we laughed.

She sighed "i swear to god i will swerve this car somewhere to keep you quiet Nick"

"See? That's the real Kalem i see"

"Ohhkay- nick. your not staying in my apartment- nu uh no." We laughed. We were wheezing about their 'fight'. It looks like they're really close to eachother. Anyways, their cousin's so i really don't mind seeing them argue.


(Just letting know Karl is on the left side, alex is on the middle, Nick on the right side sitting on the car. George is in the front seat)

George POV

I look at my phone and it's already 10 am in the morning, i see the three in the back, blacked out. Again. While Kal was humming on a music.

The car ride for me was really.. weird.
The driver seat was in the left side of the car, which i have to get used to it..

I haven't seen the apartment that Kalem lives. I hope i have seperate rooms from the others though. Nick bought me here to be on the outside "more" so i did agree. But not on a sunny area.

I am used on air conditioner in my room, just chilling. But i swear if Nick dragged me somewhere-

"Psst. George we're here!" I looked at Kal and smiled. She opened the car door and went out. I decided to wake up the three.

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