Chapter 12: "Is that Y/N your talking about?"

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(Edit: Please just imagine this whole book is anime scenes, it fits alot i promise :])

Karl POV

I woke up from Nick, Kal and George talking from the kitchen. I tried to stand up but i realized Alex's hand was in my waist, while sleeping.

'Aww so cute'

"Hey Nickkkk can we go outside nowwww"

Nick sighed "isn't your friends coming?"

"Ohh about that yeah.."

I looked at Alex peacefully sleeping. "Hey wake up Alex" i whispered.

"Hm? Oh hey Karl" Alex said.

"Hey Nick!" Nick looked at me.

"Oh hey Karl, what's up your awake now"

"Just woke up, are we going somewhere?" I asked.

"You guys can go I'll wait for my friends"

"Okay George?" Kal asked

"What? Oh I'll go with them"

"Okay I'll get ready" Nick came to his room.

____(whenever there's lines it means  time skip or change POV)____

Nick POV

I planned out something for Karl and Alex. We've already told George about my plan so everything is set.

We'll go out for a swim and George will come back to Kalem's apartment and leave the three of us. Then we'll go to the spot where Kal told me.

I saw the spot and it was actually good for picnics. It was like our Kingdom in the Dream Smp but, better. I didn't know Kalem loves to discover spots but who knows?

"Hey Nick! Can you help me bring these?" I looked at Karl and he was struggling putting the water and the monsters in the cooler. I chuckled and i went to the living room to help him.

"Why did you even work with these at the same time Karl?"

"Because i was too excited to open a monster so yeah" we laughed

"Hey guys! Have you seen my beanie?" I looked at alex and froze.

He was kinda actually cute without a beanie too.

"O-oh your beanie? I don't know" Karl stutters his words.

'Does he likes Alex?'

"Oh okay don't be weirded out without my beanie though" he walked away. I regained focus on helping Karl. I looked at him and he has pink tint at his cheeks.

"Karl why are you pink?"

"H-huh?" He became more red and looked away. I chukled.

"Do you have something for him?"


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