Chapter 11: "A dessert with a ice cream on top"

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Alex POV

I woke up yawning and zoning out for a bit. Kal has given us comfortable bed so i can't blame myself for not getting up in bed.

I sat up in my bed and reached for my phone. I opened it and laid in my bed again. I scrolled in Twitter, instagram and some of my social medias to waste time. All of the sudden a text notification from Nick came.

'Hey, come down there's food now<3'

I blushed on the heart sign, then the conversation from yesterday came into my mind. I feel my cheeks still blushing. I snapped of my thoughts and went to the bathroom and changed from my pajamas.

"Hey guys"

"Hi Alex! Did you sleep well?" I sat on the chair.

"Mhmyea i did, you gave me a good bed for me to sleep" She laughed and i dug in on my food.

"Where's George?"

"In the backyard, playing with my dog"

"You have a dog?" Karl asked

"He stayed in the attic yesterday since he doesn't really like people except my friends"

"But why is your dog playing with George?"

"I don't actually know, when he saw George came out of his room he ran to him and played with him until they're outside" I nodded

"Where's Nick?"

"Ohhh him he just went shopping in the nearest mall"

"Oh okay"

"Excuse me I'll just check on George outside"

"Alright!" Kal waved her hands and went outside. Silence filled the house, Karl was scrolling on his phone.

'Should i tell Karl about yesterday?.. no scratch it Nick will be upset.'

I went to grab a glass of water-


I almost spat my water and laughed.

"Should we record them?" Karl smirked and i laughed even more

"Sure let's go!"

We went outside to see the chaos.

George POV

I saw Kal sat on the bench with a coke can with her. I assume she was cheking on us. I was playing with her dog, Sapling. He's a shitzu dog and he was so fluffy and playable.

"You having fun with Sap?"

"Huh?- oh yeah i am Kal"

"Mhm just play with him anytime i don't mind. He's always locked on the attic, i think it's become a favourite place of him"

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